  • Female
  • Kansas City, MO
  • United States
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Cheri's Friends

  • Jen, Brody & Buddy
  • Whitney
  • Rebecca
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan
  • Bonnie Mills
  • Tiffany
  • Tina Farrell
  • Carolyn, Silas & Barnaby

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Cheri's Page

Profile Information

Kansas City, MO
About Me:
Married mother of 2, grandmother of 2, doggie mom of 2.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Taffy, our Pembroke little lady was born on April 30, 2002. She is our little princess and goes everywhere with us. Dudley, our Cardigan boy was born on November 16, 2006 and is a bruiser! He's a big mischievous boy.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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Cheri's Blog

I'm a bad blogger!

Posted on May 4, 2010 at 8:05pm 1 Comment

I'm a very bad blogger! I didn't realize I haven't posted in so long. Wow! So much has happened since the last time I posted. Late October, let's see, in mid-November I sustained 3 pinched nerves and had to stop all training. Heck I had to stop everything! I spent most of the time the weekend before Thanksgiving and the weekend after Thanksgiving going to the doctor and the ER to get pain meds until they'd actually DO something! I had one pinched nerve in my neck and 2 in my upper back. I had… Continue

Tracking is Going Better This Week

Posted on October 28, 2009 at 6:46pm 2 Comments

I'm not as frustrated this week as I was when I previously posted about tracking. Dudley over did it a bit when he was playing a couple of weeks ago and the vet restricted us from jumping for a while. For tracking that meant "short grass only". We needed to track in the short grass so Dudley wouldn't porpoise through the grass going in and out of the fields. I searched for places that had spaces with manicured grass. One of the places I found was a local church. I got permission to track on… Continue

Tracking is Frustration at it's Finest!

Posted on October 15, 2009 at 9:04am 3 Comments

I have started attempting to teach Dudley to track. OMG this is probably the most frustrating job I've attempted to teach Dudley! He actually knows how to do it and can do it really well, when he chooses to. That's the issue, "when he chooses to." AARGH!!!! If there weren't so many darn field mice, rabbits, moles and other critters out there in the fields this would be so much easier. Can I go directly to the VST test and skip the TD and TDX? I think he'd actually do better if we weren't out in… Continue

More Agility

Posted on September 29, 2009 at 9:09pm 3 Comments

September 25 through September 27 we attended the GSLAC (Greater St. Louis Agility Club) Agility trial in Glen Carbon, IL. This was Dudley's first full trial at his regular jump height. Before I'd always entered him in Preferred which has him jumping at 8". This time he was going to be jumping 12". There is a lot more competition in the 12" group so there wasn't going to be any "first by default" this weekend!

We've recently changed our game when it comes to agility. I felt like… Continue

Dudley starts tracking

Posted on September 1, 2009 at 7:04pm 0 Comments

Another new endeavor! Well, not totally new. We did start tracking a little last year but weren't able to devote enough time to it so we dropped from the group. But this year we're committed. Maybe in more ways than one! We'd been tracking for a couple of weeks and I thought Dudley was doing well. But then we tracked with a group and things were totally different! My remedial student came out and showed himself! When we track alone, Dudley does very well. He usually goes right down the track… Continue

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At 12:07am on March 5, 2012, Jen, Brody & Buddy said…

We are moving to Wentzville/Troy/O'Fallon area... Actually, we are leaving in 3 days to go look at houses. Where are you located?

At 3:56pm on March 25, 2010, Liz Hart gave Cheri a gift
At 3:24am on March 15, 2010, CorgiLove said…
Hey, thanks so much for the comment! It's a pretty new issue for us as Philip hasn't had much trouble with jumps in class, and we go every week. I guess the problem really showed up at trials because of the jumpers courses - in class we mostly do standard runs, and with fewer jumps there are fewer chances of knocking a bar of course. I do agree that it's most likely an approach issue, but it's definitely not a consistent one - he clears doubles, triples, and broad jumps just fine, but the occasional single goes down. It almost seems like he's simply being a bit sloppy about it - he generally clears jumps very close to the bars, so any small mistake sends the bar down. Hard to train too since it's never a problem with just a single jump - it's the series of one after the other that's been getting him. I really need to make more jumps at home and practice, practice, practice. I'll have to try the angled bar trick too though, and check out that lady you mentioned. Thanks! Another trial in a couple of weeks - we'll see how he does.
At 9:58am on January 26, 2010, Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax said…
p.s.- where did you get Dudley from?
At 12:32pm on January 25, 2010, Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax said…
thanks, I can't wait to bring him home! Your Dudley is quite the handsome guy! I've watched his agility videos and he's soooo cute! I've got my Pems working on agility classes now.
At 6:58pm on December 10, 2009, Bonnie Mills said…
Hello there! As is Dudley~! I've been doing the same over the last few days and Mab has really grown a lot! Well as they say a Corgi is "A Big dog in a small dogs body".
Our Ridgeback is a great dog, we love her very much and she gets on very well with Mab our Cardi.

Bonnie and Mab.
At 6:18pm on December 8, 2009, Bonnie Mills said…
Gorgeous Cardigan! Love the Blue merles. He's just such a handsome dog.
At 11:42am on October 15, 2009, Missy D said…
Make sure you let me know if you are coming up to Des Moines! Kodi is still a little young/growing for much agility yet, but I am hoping to do some Rally soon.
At 8:34am on October 15, 2009, Tiffany said…
that camp sounds like sooo much fun! Where is it located?? I'd love to bring my boys! Dock diving sounds like a blast!!

I'm new to the whole breed handling thing too! It's been fun and interesting. I think my biggest challenge at the moment is getting Uno comfortable on the table. He's not too sure about it and it's obvious. Otherwise he's over the top enthusiastic LOL. Way too happy of a dog.
At 7:49am on October 15, 2009, Tiffany said…
thank you! I love your Pem as well :) So cute!

Dock diving? What was that like? I've always seen the action on tv but never in person.

Cooper (my b&w) LOVES to swim. Last year one morning we went running with my boyfriend at the park and Cooper saw the ramp to this duck pond... ran straight for it and dove right in. I of course was none too pleased considering the water was a heinous green color. Cooper on the other hand seemed to be quite proud of himself hahaha.

How is the agility going? I can't wait to get started with Cooper. I think Uno would love it too! I did a little bit of agility when I was younger with my Siberian huskies.. it was a blast!

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