Lola and Paige's Comments

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At 11:24pm on March 10, 2014, Jane Christensen gave Lola and Paige a gift
At 12:36am on December 14, 2013, Anna Morelli said…

Thank you for your friend request, I hope you soon have the information you need to both help Lola feel better and to get some good sleep :-)

At 8:50pm on November 30, 2013, Brooke Busteed said…
Aww I thought this site was gone. Billy is the strangest yet most amazing dog in the world. Smartest dog I've ever met.
At 9:35pm on July 06, 2013, Jane Christensen gave Lola and Paige a gift
At 12:30pm on April 20, 2013, Jane Christensen said…

Hey....remember were from Minnesota and snow is the norm around here, what isn't is that we have had 18" in the last week and usually by April the snow is gone so Peyton is "used to it"

At 10:17am on April 20, 2013, Jane Christensen said…

Whatever it was either real or imaginary...she was protecting "her person"

At 9:36am on April 20, 2013, Jane Christensen said…

She was warning you that something wasn't's ok to listen to that. Whether real or imaginary...but to her it was real!

At 10:38pm on April 14, 2013, Jane Christensen said…

The other Corgi is Bella. I just retired her...she's my best momma and is the sweetest corgi EVER!

At 8:43am on March 6, 2013, Jane Christensen said…

Is Lola doing better?

At 2:39pm on September 7, 2012, Brooke Busteed said…
He is doing really good. He is recovered from all his sickness FINALLY and is super smart. He is having poop eating issues so bad we dread our walks but other than that he learns so fast. Showing some aggression over paper or of course his bully sticks, we've had a few fights with the same dog but that dog has issues which causes tension. We get to start classes in a week so hopefully they can teach him stuff I already haven't.
At 9:58pm on August 2, 2012, Lois B. Allen said…

Yes, she does look like her daddy but I also like the dark coloring that she retains from her mom.

At 8:46pm on August 2, 2012, Lois B. Allen said…

Hi, Is she one of Jane C's dogs.  She has the look.  She sure is a cute girl and her friend is nice looking also.

At 9:12pm on August 1, 2012, Brooke Busteed said…

I agree.  As soon as what he has going on with him is cured I plan on looking for a new doctor for him. She told me to give him over the counter benedryl...glad I refused to do so.

At 8:31pm on August 1, 2012, Brooke Busteed said…

Yeah the poor little man is sooooo itchy, has been since the day we got him home, I asked the vet the VERY first visit if she thought it could be mange too but she said no...I was NOT aware that it won't go away :( So he could be on meds his whole life?

At 6:11am on August 01, 2012, WhiteDove gave Lola and Paige a gift
At 10:10pm on July 30, 2012, Brooke Busteed said…

He has demedectic mange, he is on ivermectin which can cause neurological issues..YAY like he needs any other issues.  Luckily he is very very social with people and other dogs (I think I am his least favorite person) He still isn't showing any affection but I guess that is just the hand I was dealt.  I just want him healthy so we can start getting out and having fun.

At 7:40pm on July 30, 2012, Brooke Busteed said…

He is doing a lot better but still has live mange so no shots STILL for AT LEAST another 4 weeks :(  I feel so terrible for him having to be cooped up indoors every day, no walks, and I don't have a backyard so I was relying on being able to walk him daily and take him to the park.  I just feel this is going to ruin him as far as behavior goes. 

At 11:37pm on July 20, 2012, Jane Christensen said…

Those little stinkers(: Did they break the printer or just knock it over?

At 4:16pm on July 20, 2012, WhiteDove said…
At 3:28am on July 19, 2012, Geri & Sidney said…

Welcome Paige and Lola! Hey, she got to keep her tail, just like Sidney! She's so cute!

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