Cheri's Comments

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At 12:42pm on March 20, 2008, sandra said…
hehee, i picture taffy cotgi on the pause table, ehhee, such a gotta take lots of pics of is neat how you have 2 cogis but they are sooo different in their likes of certain activities etc....i want to get another corgi, when i get into a house...a cardi i might check out, not sure if a pup or rescue, but want a lil boy!

i go and check out taffy the ham now...oo yes, to imbed the video, all you do is copy n paste the html....should not be any diff than doing the long as the photo and vid are somewhere on the net, let me try it out with my video..

but i send this note to you first, for i can not do any edit on notes, i have to delete it and i am not wanting to write all this again, hehehe!

hey, did you check out

it is same format, but at pals we talk bout other stuff tooo, but lots re dogs or corgis, after all, i have a corgi and a few of my corgi pals are there too....

jake told me a funny joke! (2 of 3)
At 12:14pm on March 20, 2008, sandra said…
glad you saw the video..i laugh every see me soo calm and the judge says, call her, say it loud...hehee, i do not think i did the loud but i do not think i even called her....what the use????? i let her get it out of her...and in the end........she comes right to me, and does a ...down...just like she knows to do...and i wait a few seconds to make sure she is not teasing me, and grab her collar and leash on.....i was excused from the sits no downs, hehehe

that day she got her first qual score for rally and has now titled..

this wkend, sat n sun, she is in an agility trial...oooooo this should be fun..i hope by end of sat, she is right on target...and if she needed her free run, she did it already...first time i did agility in the ring for a score, she did not let me lead out, took off, in circles, then exit the ring and went poo!

i hope to get more video for her in the never know what to expect.
smiles : )
At 11:56am on March 20, 2008, sandra said…
thanks for checking out my pics...yes, that is my one major passion, photos, and good ole kaley corgi was a very young model.....hehe, and with all the birds and new baby....i try often to get them all with kaley corgi...sometimes it can be sooo funny!

come by and check out is my social network and a few corgi humans are there you might know and other great people to get to is a fun group...and i even have my corgi group there too!

i caught the ball (1 of 5)

mum...kaley is going to lick me...(1 of 6)
At 11:48am on March 20, 2008, sandra said…
hi, glad you invited me to be your pal...i read here your taffy corgi loves agility and mr dudley did herding..kaley did herding for two sessions but we did not return, for it was far to go t oclass and not surthe teacher knew how to train corgis...kaley did lots of showobedience, but never got her cd, but we finally got her rally novice title, firs one and now we formally start agiltiy this wkend, in a tiral....will be two solid days of go to my page here and check out her vidoe on her obed run, it is totally funny and is over 1 min of her doing her own thing in the ring!

sooo cool you and your kids do lots of corgi activities...come and check out my group here, corgis of the world unite, it is a flickr photo group!

smiles : )

she clears it again! (12 of 21)
dressed for the jump!

you gotta listen to me, you gotta listen to me!
At 10:18am on March 20, 2008, Cheri said…
I highly recommend both activities! Taffy does agility and loves it. We've had her instinct tested for herding and she flunked. Not once, but twice! Her goal when she gets close to sheep is to run past them as fast as she possibly can and get as far away from them as possible! She's just not a herder. But Mr. Dudley, OMG! We had him tested at 7 months and he passed with flying colors. I don't know that he's ever going to be great at it, but he loves it. He's training for agility right now and we've just started Rally-O training. The other activity Dudley loves is tracking. We haven't been training for a while but now that it's warmer we'll have to start up again. I was doing my own training so much this winter (I'm a runner) that I kind of let his tracking training fall by the wayside. But now I take Dudley with me on some of my runs. I run trails and am teaching Dudley how to run them with me. People would think there's no training involved but he has to learn not to stop in front of me and not to weave side to side. He has to run ahead of me (we usually have to run single file) and in a straight line when the trail isn't that narrow. He's doing great!
At 9:41am on March 20, 2008, Amanda said…
Yeah, Daisys a more natural herder than Ein is. His hips hurt him so he doesn't chase us around the yard as much as he used to but Daisy will run circles around us barking her head off and nipping the whole time. She never runs out energy. I love it! We should put her in some kind of herding or agility trial. I think she'd be good. That's smart to stop the game when he gets too rough. He'll catch on and will stop doing that hopefully!
At 9:20am on March 20, 2008, Amanda said…
That could be it. Ein used to be very agressive as a puppy. Like pretty much as soon as he was able to be food and toy agressive he was. But we trained him out of that and now he's pretty submissive to us. He will growl and run away if you touch him while he's sleeping though. But Daisy seems to have almost no respect for us and she growls like crazy when we pick her up and tries to bite. Not hard but enough to tell us to put her down. And she will bark for attention and force you to pet her by sticking her head under your hand. She's a strange one. I figured she'd grow out of it like Ein but it's not happening.
I love Dudders too! Your dogs are super cute. I love the colors on the Cardi!
At 9:15am on March 20, 2008, Cheri said…
Female Corgi's in general are bossy. At least that's what I've been told to expect from a female Corgi. The males are usually easy going dudes. My guys fit that stereotype. Taffy rules the roost and Dudley's just goes with the flow. Not that he doesn't have his stubborn streaks, but for the most part he's very easy going.

Sometimes we call Dudley Dudders. But normally we just call him Dudley.
At 9:09am on March 20, 2008, Amanda said…
Do you call him Duddles as a nickname? I see you have a cardi and a pem. Which one has a better attitude? Which is more laid back? Our two pems have some serious personalities and Daisy has a lot of attitude. She's very bossy!
At 12:15am on March 20, 2008, Amanda said…
Ok, I LOVE the name Dudley for a corgi. Our is Einstien but we call him Dudley just cause it's so cute.
At 11:54pm on March 19, 2008, Michelle said…
Your doggies are adorable. Love that Cardi spirit- such mischief!
At 10:04pm on March 18, 2008, Shannon said…
Thank you
At 6:39pm on March 18, 2008, Shannon said…
love your little boys markings
At 12:08pm on March 12, 2008, Carolyn Pippin and Gambler said…
What kind of kayaking do you do? Scooter goes on Lake Tahoe and in what they call the "Back Country" in Key West FL. This is around and through the Mangroves. It's GREAT!! Smooth water and LOTS of wildlife and fish. She too has a vest but would rather not wear it.. I tell her, Oh Well. I think it is unconfortable when she is laying in the kayak. She doesn't mind it when she rides with me on the Jet-Ski.They are so funny. What would we do without them? Life would be so boring!!!
At 10:38am on March 12, 2008, Carolyn Pippin and Gambler said…
Taffy and Dudley aren't to bad looking themselves! I so enjoyed all your videos! Scooter is a water dog. She loves all water as long as I don't envolve soap!! She Jet Ski's with me. Loves the Kayak as long as she can swin once in a while! Loves the swimming pool too. I had her tested by a lady here in our valley who is the local herding trainer. Scooter did great. No quiting from her. Scooter got high scores in all the different tests. She wanted me to wait until she was a year old to start training. Then I got sick and we were not able to go back. But Scooter loved that too. Dudley is a beautiful Blue color. Taffy acts like she is way above all the nonsences of puppy play! Aren't they fun??
At 9:23pm on March 11, 2008, Cubbie said…
Taffy has beautiful coloring! I think she looks like a Taffy, too. Cubbie's older brother's name was Bear, so he was named Cubb, which we changed to Cubbie! Hehe.
At 12:52pm on March 11, 2008, Majsan said…
Thank you for kind words about my "Wilja".
What a small world. Cardax Verdi Jubilee was the father of may first cardi-male "Wilbur". :)
At 12:17pm on March 11, 2008, Majsan said…
Hi Cheri.

Just want to say that I think that Dudley ia a hansome boy :)
At 10:12pm on February 18, 2008, Jeremiah and Rhys "Mr. May" said…
I looked at your pics, what fun! Well my mother and I finished her firsts marathon. I came down with the flu it was a very long, tough day. I thought I was going to pass out after I crossed the finish line. It took me 6:24 to run the marathon, but I finished.
At 10:29pm on February 14, 2008, Jeremiah and Rhys "Mr. May" said…
How was the run? I meet some one at the San Dieguito Half Marathon who ran last years event... she said it was tough. I am running the ATT Austin Marathon on sunday with my mom (her first) it should be a lot of fun.

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