Kate's Comments

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At 2:07am on March 20, 2008, Carolyn Pippin and Gambler said…
Thank you. My friend and fellow My Corgi member Joanne took the picture. It is my favorite for sure!
At 3:25pm on March 18, 2008, WhiteDove said…
VERY cool. . .good luck on your education. . .I majored in Archaeology with a minor in Geology, I like rocks too. . .LOL
At 9:49am on March 4, 2008, Megan said…
Hi Kate! We do sound like we have a lot in common. Let me tell you, agility is a great thing for everyy Corgi to learn. They are very smart dogs, and pick it up quickly. Even if you can make (or have your husband make) a couple jumps and start working Oakley on them (especially with a game called "Jump, come, coookie") that'll be a start, and it'll help keep her in shape.
At 8:23am on March 3, 2008, Carolyn Pippin and Gambler said…
scooter and i would love to have you as a friend..... thanks c&s
At 7:34pm on March 2, 2008, Jan said…
well kate i have done it with female first then got male and vise versa and my mom who bred corgis from britan all ways said male then female and that was the best..well then we added another male but opal is the boss..feeding time has been challenging so I have a system now or they have me on a system,,Smiles:D
At 7:32pm on March 2, 2008, Florence Fong said…
Hi Kate,
Thank you for asking me to be your friend. I would love to. Oakley has made me fall in love with her too. :o)
At 7:20pm on March 2, 2008, Kristen said…
She is so very feminine. If I didn't have to go to work everyday it would be more of a dream. I don't get to spend nearly as much time just hanging out as I would like. We are animal rich and dollar poor that is for sure. I do love my red barn. We use it as a family room when the weather is warmer. The dogs do well around the horses. I think Corgis and horses were meant to go together. They have tried to herd the horses, but the hourses won't have anything to do with that. They like to go out when we do chores and especially when the farrier is here. They like to snack on the hoof trimmings. We have never had a bad experience with the Corgis and the horses. We have three full size horses and a miniature horse and a miniature donkey. A bit of a zoo around here!
At 3:11pm on March 2, 2008, ♥ AdEle said…
Thanks for the compliments..
Yeah.. Skye loves his clothing so much that he 'll beg to wear them.
And he won't let other dogs wearing them ..ha ha ha..
We have to get one you have ... so cute..
It's very nice meeting you..
At 12:17pm on March 2, 2008, Kim's_Corgi's said…
Haha....we should have probably worried a bit more, lol. Chloe has responded as the typical spoiled teenager. We should have anticipated that but it's really not been bad. We've made sure to include her in everything but she is very competitive. She seems to relish that she can jump up and lay down by me on the couch and Cooper can't so she hangs her head over the edge and nose butts him as though to say, "haha, I can but you can't." She gets miffed pretty easy if she thinks he's getting more attention than her. She's been our joy for so many months but she is enjoying the play time with Cooper. It's a bit like sibling rivalry and I'm enjoying reading all these blogs and knowing haha...I'm not alone. We don't regret adding Cooper and the laughs far outweigh the trials. I know it helps that Chloe was such a well adjusted dog.
At 12:09pm on March 2, 2008, ♥ AdEle said…
Welcome Kate.
Oakley is a beautiful name.. I love her pictures especially in the costume ... lol
Skye loves to wear his clothing, does Oakley like hers ?
At 11:26pm on March 1, 2008, Kim's_Corgi's said…
Hi Kate! I see you'll soon be living south of me! We just added our second corgi last month and bought both of our corgi's down in OK. Good luck with your move! Your dog is beautiful.
At 12:57pm on March 1, 2008, Kristen said…
The worst thing about adding one more Corgi is the hair...I just spent the morning vacumming up Corgi hair...but a they are worth the effort...I don't know how I'll feel when they start "blowing" their coats in the spring! I'm looking forward to seeing the "ugly duckling" pictures!
At 12:54pm on March 1, 2008, Kristen said…
Actually we have three! Corgies Just got a puppy about two weeks ago. I worried about "sharing the love". I was so very attached to my first Corgi and I felt the same way you do. When we did get the second Corgi we made a special effort to provide Basil (Corgi #1) with one on one time. The two dogs became best friends and it was comforting to me that they had each other during the day since my husband and I both work. It is good you are worried, it means you will make the effort to make both dogs feel special. The special bond between Basil and me never changed and when we lost him a little over a year ago it was probably the hardest thing I have ever dealt with. Lizzie (Corgi # 2) went through a visible depression for about 4-5 months. She still isn't the same, but she is a great little girl. We added Fergie(Corgie #2) This summer and Brodie (Corgi #4) just two weeks ago. We are hoping to raise Corgis in the future. I want to be sure the dogs finish well before we actually consider breeding them. Fergie is altered and so was Basil. We do a lot as a Corgi group, but I still make a point to spend time alone eith each of them.
At 12:50pm on March 1, 2008, Cindi said…
Hi Kate and welcome. Empress Oakley looks like a cutie-pie to me!
At 10:40am on March 1, 2008, Kristen said…
Hi Kate. Welcome. I think you are going to have to prove it with puppy pictures. A face that beautiful coulod never have been an ugly duckling! Could she? Good luck with your move. I noticed another new member is just getting ready to move to OK. It is hard to stop with just one!
At 9:39pm on February 29, 2008, Tracie & Emmy said…
Welcome Kate! Oakley is a cutie... I can't believe she was ever an ugly duckling! :-)
At 4:45pm on February 29, 2008, Sam Tsang said…
Welcome Kate!

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