Sam Tsang's Comments

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At 11:25pm on February 17, 2008, Nicole & Baxter said…
Hey Sam, thanks for the welcome, it is great to be here. I look forward to meeting all the corgi folks here and swapping stories and advice. This is a wonderful site, I don't know anyone in my area who owns a corgi so its nice to meet fellow owners from all over. Thank you for creating it. You have a beautiful corgi duo as well. :)
At 11:20pm on February 17, 2008, Tracie & Emmy said…
Hey Sam, Thanks for the welcome! Your corgis are adorable as well - I especially like the swimming pictures! Emmy loves to swim too, I'll have to get her a vest this year. I also see that you have the Roomba that I want.. is it as wonderful as I hope for it to be? :-)
At 7:01pm on February 17, 2008, Tippy's mom said…
Hi Sam, thanks for the welcoming note! It is really hard missing my best friend! =(

I have visited Paris (and many parts of France), it is nice, but I'm not a big fan of big cities, I really enjoy the smaller towns in France.
At 12:41am on February 17, 2008, Evelyn Kay said…
Hi Sam, thanks for the welcome note and for putting this great website together! My husband and I think Pembrokes are the greatest little creatures ever.Your Corgis are way too cute!! I'd love to find a Corgi meeting in the Atlanta area if you happen to hear of one.
At 7:10pm on February 16, 2008, Yogi d'Corgi said…
Thank you for this site, Sam!!! :o)
At 5:09pm on February 16, 2008, ♥ AdEle said…
Thanks Sam... ^..^
Skye, Kissy, and Molley
At 11:10am on February 16, 2008, Brian Davis said…
Hey Sam , just wanted to thank you for having this helpful , fun site . Hope you and your kids are well :)) Have a great weekend !
At 7:54am on February 16, 2008, Becca [Formally Siduri] said…
Thanks for the welcome
At 10:23pm on February 14, 2008, Moosey May said…
Thanks...Your Corgis are so adorable in their swimwear! I need to get my puppy a life vest she loves that water
At 10:01pm on February 14, 2008, Kristen said…
Ditto on Carol's comments. I am thoroughly enjoying this site. I have to admit, I keep the site up in the background when I am working at my office. It is a nice diversion from the legislative process. I've learned so much.
At 7:23pm on February 14, 2008, Carol Braitman said…
Hi Sam, I just wanted to say thanks for creating this fantastic website. I have become addicted!!and have met so many great people from all over. I, and I'm sure many others would pay to be on this site if needed. It is such great fun to be able to talk major corgi love with other people who understand!!
At 6:56pm on February 13, 2008, Jenn said…
Thanks Sam!! I can't wait to put up some new pics of him...yours are just so sweet! :D
At 8:10am on February 12, 2008, BlueMingo said…
Your corgis are too cute !!!
At 7:02pm on February 11, 2008, Primo & Marie said…
Thanks Sam! Marie took the pictures. Your Corgis love water, that's awesome!
At 9:44pm on February 10, 2008, Anna Fung said…
Happy belated Chinese New Year! I am chinese too!
At 9:44pm on February 10, 2008, Anna Fung said…
Thanks so much! Your Corgis are adorable too!
At 10:39am on February 8, 2008, Florence Fong said…
Thank you Sam. Do you celebrate the Lunar New Year in the States? I remember when I was in England for 10 years, my family and I did not celebrate it. In fact, most times, it just flew by without our knowledge. Here's wishing you & Silvia a Happy Chinese New Year!
At 7:45am on February 6, 2008, Stephanie Hochuli said…
Thanks Sam, we used to live at the beach and know where Viera is. Now we are in Clermont part of the year and then in our coach more of the time.
At 10:36pm on February 5, 2008, June said…
Thanks Sam for the pictures of your corgi's, they look just like our beanie, I will put a picture of her on, but I don't know how at the moment. We have a mac computer and I should be able to figure it out soon. Interesting your in-laws live in Parksville, we have very good friends there as well.
At 12:15am on February 5, 2008, Francine said…
What a great site! I've been hoping to find a fun group of corgi fanatics to talk to. Your intro about Mocha made me laugh...Kona goes nuts when I turn on the blowdryer. She believes it is her evil nemesis or something.

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