Morna is adorable. I really enjoyed looking at all of your photos of her. I think my favorite one is where she is peeking out from behind the broom. That is also the photo that drew me in to check out your page. Thank you for the comment on my paper boy video.
Hi Edie, Hope everything is going well with you & Morna. I e-mailed you in beginning of October about flying a corgi out from Kerri in Indiana----well I now have had Rocky (Morna's little brother for almost 3 weeks now. I am on this site as Sue & Rocky----if you would like you can see a few pictures of him----I think that Morna & Rocky do look alike!---let me konw if you think so---Sue K
Edie, I couldn't sleep tonight. So I decided to get online. I am trying to help my good friend sell her Bull mastiffs. She does alot for me. Comes and takes care of my geriatric dogs while I am away (if they can't go with me). I owe alot to her. Anyway, I am not sure exactly what Morna is doing but Corgis are free-spirits. They get their feelings hurt easily (at least in my nearly 14 years of owning them). A raised voice is a true heart-breaking moment for my dogs. Although, firm discipline is not out of the question for them. Morna may try to make you feel bad, but she may also be trying to run your home. Annie (Morna's mom) knows the difference when I tell her "no" or that "she is bad" it kills her. I have made sure that she is aware of things that are not acceptable. They are herders first, so maybe a little more exercise and some redirection can help the chewing. Playing games can be a strong detente for unwanted behaviors as well. Feel free to call me anytime if you would like ideas.
Hi fellow SC corgi owner! Congrats on your new puppy, and I'm sorry she had an alergic reaction to the shots, those are always scary:( I personally haven't had any problems with that, but my friend's dog did the same thing when she was three years old.
My Corgi, Lucy is a gardener too! She loves to pull the old flowers out and prepare the soil for planting. She leaves all of the plants that are still alive alone. Too awesome!
Congrats Edie!! Morna's so cute! I love that picture of her with the stick in her mouth. She also reminds me of our Bandit when he was a little baby. They look very similar with the mask and the white chest hair. =). Bandit was quite a handful, but turns out to be so smart and so funny!! So be patient and have fun with Morna!! It's gonna be an unforgettable experience. =)
Congratulations Edie! She looks so adorable and and I love her name..Morna!
We spoke the other night on chat and discovered we are both from Pa and now living in South Carolina! I love the pictures of her and she looks like she is going to be a character...she has that sparkle in her eyes! lol. Good luck with the adventure!
That is a very appropriate name! It's kinda sad that the Pavillion is gone - lots of fun and exciting memories there! Looking forward to more and more pics as you get them! Stay in touch!
I am not sure how far north Franklin IN is, but we are 7 miles from Lake Michigan (about 40 miles from Chicago) on a small hobby farm, and we have over a foot of the white stuff right now. It has been in the negative teens for highs until today, not it feels like a heat wave at 23 degrees!! I love Myrtle Beach, my family used to take our vacations there, and I got the poo scared out of me on that crazy roller coaster there when I was 8 yrs old!! Your puppy is ADORABLE, and I know you are soooo excited to get her. I love her name, is it Welsh? Post more pics as you can, and have a safe trip to IN!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I just got my Cardi, and I will tell you that Corgis are AWESOME!!! Post pics when you can!! I am from Indiana, where did you find her?
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We spoke the other night on chat and discovered we are both from Pa and now living in South Carolina! I love the pictures of her and she looks like she is going to be a character...she has that sparkle in her eyes! lol. Good luck with the adventure!
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