Juel's Comments

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At 1:24pm on August 25, 2008, Furpants McGee said…
Toby was just being a jerk. He wants to go outside and roam the parking lot and I rarely let him because I don't want him to get hit by a car!! It's been hard finding a balance between all the pets, but this morning they were all fine with eachother, so who knows.
I took Abby to the dog beach yesterday...check out the pictures! I think it was more work than it was worth...too much sand EVERYWHERE!! Had to bathe her when we got home. At least the water wasn't too cold for once. She really didn't like the waves too much, but she made some friends so it was fun.
At 4:20pm on August 22, 2008, Furpants McGee said…
hello friend...long time to talk to. sorta dreading another weekend alone...*sigh* but what else to do? i've been up since 430 this morning because my fat lob of a cat, toby, wouldn't SHUT UP!! he was pissed off about something and so i've been up since!! i'm locking him in the bathroom when i get home so i can get some shut eye! oh well, talk to you soon.
At 7:20pm on August 17, 2008, Ginny said…
Thanks so much for the update! I hope everything worked out okay...and everyone is safe too!



P.S. Nice to meet you!
At 6:53pm on August 17, 2008, Furpants McGee said…
thank God someone saw the flyers I put out and called. they picked her up because she was going to get hit by a car...im really lucky she was picked up by the right person...there are those mean people that would try to sell her out there...to have lost jake THEN abby...i was in pretty bad shape!!
At 9:57pm on August 16, 2008, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Yes good things do come to those who wait and appreciate it all that much more! I feel so bad about abby as well, I wish I could help too. Unbelievable how some people can be so ignorant. : ( I hope whoever took Abby gets caught and put in their place.
At 9:01pm on August 16, 2008, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Hi Juel, I love the picture of the cat in the bowl, what an awesome photo, your horse is awesome as well. Natalie
At 11:34pm on August 15, 2008, Furpants McGee said…
someone stole my abby!!!!!!! :(
At 10:18pm on August 15, 2008, Karen & Bailey said…
thanks!! he's just mopey and tired for the most part, which i am super glad about. he ate his entire dinner and drank water which is a great plus! so hopefully hell turn around tomorrow. =P he looks almost drunk, but still wants to play, but too tired to do so.

At 4:25pm on August 14, 2008, Furpants McGee said…
you know, they were laying close to eachother and so i sorta pushed Ziggy closer to Abby little by little...LOL. it didnt last long before she started kissing him, which he's ok with, but then she starts to bite and wants to play. but it was too cute for about 15 seconds :) I've been doing a little better since my "incident" with jake...Abby wont let me stay sad AT ALL...she licks my tears away and starts grumbling a little and wants to play. and she's so cute i can't help but smile when i play with her.
At 11:47am on August 14, 2008, Krystal said…
Thank you!! :)
At 2:25pm on August 13, 2008, Kelly said…
Thanks! I'm very excited :)
At 12:07pm on August 5, 2008, Vacationholic said…
Hi, thanks for your comment. I also had to do some convincing (and a fat deposit) to get the "ok" from my landlord and roommate, but it's worth every penny! I hope you get your corgi soon.
At 5:28pm on August 1, 2008, Furpants McGee said…
I know, it's CRAZY how big she's getting!! The park I take her to by my house (where these recent 3 pix were taken) has a few other dogs there and she's made friends very quickly...all the kids want to play with her, so lucky for me I don't have to do much to exercise her. She's been catching on to "sit, stay, and heal" but "come" is a big issue right now...she took off out the front door a few days ago, chased the neighbor kids into their house and ran INTO their house because they didn't shut the door quickly enough!! I yelled "NO and Come" and she wouldn't listen...I just try to maintain my sanity knowing she's still learning, but I make sure to try to instill the commands every day into her brain. CUTE pictures...is that your boyfriend's shepard??
At 6:39pm on July 29, 2008, Furpants McGee said…
well, now it's not a question of WHO picks up the poop...because she's been doing it inside!!! *GASP* She was doing really well, but has been having "accidents" more frequently. I've been following the rules about taking her out after morning feeding, when I get home from work, or any time I see her sniffing around, but for some odd reason, she's started to go where she pleases! I bought "Wee Wee" - the enzymatic cleaner for the floor, so I'm not sure it's that she can smell that she's gone there before so it's ok for her to do it again...hmm....it's starting to get frustrating...
At 1:13am on July 27, 2008, Sylvia & Timmy said…
Hey Juel,
Sorry I haven't been around, but life's been happening. Meetings, work, you know! Got your message when I got home today, but it was kinda late. I'll try to catch you tomorrow. All's fine that ends well and this has been a good but busy day.
At 9:45pm on July 25, 2008, Butter said…
Yes, I love Furpants McGee; Abby is adorable. Really, really go for Cardigans...they have a whole different look...more majestic at times. I find Pems more adorable, cute and cuddly.
I guess it depends on what you are looking for.
At 9:28pm on July 25, 2008, Butter said…
Thanks for your lovely comment; I wrote it as much for me, to remind myself to keep things in perspective, as for everyone else.

Get yourself a Cardi-you won't regret it. Mine is very laid back, hardly makes a sound. You can see his videos on My Page.
At 12:20pm on July 25, 2008, Shepdog said…
Irresponsible? Wow, how odd. Frankly, I think the Corgis hold their own just fine. Maybe they had had bad experiences with Shepherds, I don't know... The breeders I've talked to were more than happy to place them in a household with a Shepherd, and not once has that been an issue that even came up.

Frankly, most of the Shepherd breeders I've met go to Corgis or a mixed household. It was at a German Shepherd specialty that I saw my first group of Corgis and Shepherds together and I've seen a lot of kennels show both.

The Cardi supposedly has the more Shepherd-like temperment out of the two breeds... I'll let you know after we get ours how he fits into our household.

(sorry, hit the wrong button and posted on my own page, ha, whoops!)
At 12:03pm on July 25, 2008, Shepdog said…
Oh, what a gorgeous splash white!

Your critters are all lovely, horse, dog and cat!
At 7:05pm on July 24, 2008, Sam Tsang said…
Hi Juel! Glad you're enjoying the site! click on the photo that you want to delete, it'll take you to the photo page, then select "delete" .

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