Michelle Anderson's Comments

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At 10:00am on May 7, 2010, Joanna, Rainy and Calvin said…
Thanks for the email, and congrats on getting a new pup!!! How exciting to have a frisky corgi fellow again in your life!! Is that his picture on your profile? Is it a Cardi? I will be adopting a rescued cardi in about a month and I am really looking forward to him, but I have never had a cardi before, only pemmies. Have fun with that new pupster!
At 12:27am on April 5, 2010, Emily & Willow said…
How wonderful! I was in contact with that breeder when we were looking for Willow. My brother's neighbor got a beautiful tri- from her a few years ago. Good luck, and congratulations! You'll have to keep me posted.
At 8:27pm on April 4, 2010, Emily & Willow said…
Hi Michelle, Willow is from Hood River, OR. I had a hard time finding a cardi in the area. Where did you find your new baby?
At 1:21pm on March 27, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
I like Jack and obviously I married one! Good choice.
At 8:51pm on March 15, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Well at least they allow you on this sight! ; )
At 4:53pm on March 15, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
I can understand your excitement completely. Even I'm getting excited! BTW, feel free to email directly: wgflorin@gmail.com
At 4:35pm on March 15, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
I think Jack is really cute. You'll get my husband's vote. My dgt's friend just named her baby Jack. Also Milo, Cody, Barnaby (barney), Jeremy, Vegas, Wilson (willy)...I think I'm losing it. LOL. Of course all these names will go out the window once you meet your baby. Take lots of photos. Where are you getting him from?
At 1:54pm on March 15, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
I am literally laughing out loud about Ben. Over the past few months my dgt, Lindsay, went out with a few different guys and all of them were named Ben––and they were all super annoying. She told me yesterday that she will never go out with anyone named Ben again. This is sort of weird, isn't it. But fun weird! I'm going to think some more. We didn't name Lucy right away.
At 4:34pm on March 14, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
My sister-in-law was in love with the name Molly. She wanted me to name my first daughter Molly. I didn't, but she, in turn, named her standard poodle Molly. Years later when she became a grandmother, she insisted that her daughter name her Molly. My husband & I thought that was pretty weird!
At 11:09pm on March 13, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Ok, this is mine. I have a lucy, so I would name an upcoming boy desi. but then i thought of ethel and FRED...haha. could be cute. that's it for today. (promise).
At 11:06pm on March 13, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
PS My husband likes Max. He also likes Harold (you can call him Harry) or Edward (Ed) because they're very English names. also Mason, and jack still loves dylan (for dylan thomas, tho my 3 girls named him after a character on beverly hills 90210. walter. ok, enough. these names are all courtesy of my husband Jack. I have nothing to do with any of them except Max and Dylan. LOL.
At 11:00pm on March 13, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
btw, lucy was going to be named remy. my kids hated the name and apparently so did lucy because she never responded when we call "remy."
At 10:56pm on March 13, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Crazy, I had a rescue dog that I named Winston (after my cigarette of choice–but having kids made me abandon that habit). I also had to return Winston because he was aggressive and bit everyone in my family, including me in my cheek. scary! Except for Dylan, all of our corgis had names ending in the ie or y sound: gorki (known as the gork), annie, rookie, maggie, emily, lucy. I do lack originality. I did like the name Rookie. I will continue to think of names, as long as i'm on the right track. you can also google baby names & get some ideas. You'll probably just have to wait and get your little guy and see what name fits.
At 5:43pm on March 13, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
I heard some good boy's names recently. But, of course I quickly forgot them. I'll pay attention. How much time do we have? My husband likes Barkley. If we get a boy we'll name him Desi. Easy...Lucy & Desi. I'll think of names & pay attention! I like Max, Jake, Cody, Baily, Sam. I actually love simple names like Bob. It makes me laugh, for some reason. But, I'll send along any creative names that I hear. Just remember that I named my first dog, Lucky.
At 5:31pm on March 13, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) gave Michelle Anderson a gift
Thank you for your gift and we're returning the favor, haha. Maybe someone will clue us in on what they are. Until then we'll remain clueless. But that's ok. It's sort of how I go through life!
At 4:03pm on March 13, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
I know what you mean. I was wondering if all dog owners are as fanatically devoted as Corgi owners. There's something so magical about a Corgi. Do you know what you're going to name your puppy?
At 2:06pm on March 13, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Hi Michelle. Welcome to the Corgis Remembered group. I feel your sadness and identify with your ode to Riley. He sounds like a wonderful fellow and friend. I'm so excited for to be getting a new Corgi baby in one week! I thought nothing could help our sorrow when Dylan, 14, died. Then we got our puppy (now 4) Lucy! And the fun began. Keep us posted on your new baby & continue writing about Riley anytime.
At 9:20pm on March 12, 2010, WhiteDove gave Michelle Anderson a gift
At 12:55pm on November 16, 2009, John Wolff said…
They have a list of breeders, and many links.
You might want to check out Teresa Blakstad in Sandpoint; I know nothing about her except that our neighbors' wonderful Pem came from her, and I noticed her name cropping up often in the 2009 Specialty Results page on the CPWCC website.
At 10:39pm on November 7, 2009, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

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