Carol Rea's Comments

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At 6:19pm on July 5, 2010, Brittany Nelson said…
You are so welcome! I hope he gets well soon. My Luna got into a cactus her first day here. but it didnt hurt her at all. No scratches or anything.
At 11:47am on July 5, 2010, Swan & Belinda said…

Thanks for inviting me! I have uploaded a few pictures of my happy corgi, Swansea and his favorite "cousin" my nephew Christian. I look forward to participating on this site!
At 11:25am on July 5, 2010, Jane Christensen said…
Sounds like you have just as busy and crazy life with your animals also! Kepp me updated on the 2 and how they're doing!
At 11:17pm on July 4, 2010, Ollie & Prie Misra said…
thanks! we're trying out a doggy training and agility center next weekend called the zoom room that other Corgers have recommended for Ollie :) They have puppy preschool and also puppy agility class, safety class, therapy dog training, etc. It looks awesome so I'm excited and it just happens to be a mile from us! We'll update on how it goes :)
At 4:39pm on July 4, 2010, Jane Christensen said…
Yup...know what you mean... my hubby is too serious!
At 11:29am on July 4, 2010, Jane Christensen said…
Carol, We have 2 houses and a "rustic library/cabin! We have 2 places and about 13 acres! We could easily make a ramp for the corgi wheels too! We could make all the dog food(I used to have my own small catering service...I love to cook/hate to bake)!
I have an idea we would probably have too much fun!
At 10:41am on July 4, 2010, Tracie Johnston said…
Thanks You!! Your babies are so cute!!
At 9:12am on July 4, 2010, Jane Christensen said…
It's Joanna,Rainy and Calvin who gave me the box that says this. Joanna would love to have her dad make them and sell them as a fundraiser for Corgi.Aid! You could send her a message!!!!

As for if we lived closer! I bet we'd have a great time! My husband always tells me I should start a nursing home for elderly dogs that their owners can't keep due to high medical needs...I have the shed and the acres but need a totally fenced in yard and the$$$$$ to do this plus it's probably 10 years before I can retire! Darn...I wish you did live closer for this project too!

I'm afraid we could find way too many projects!
At 3:33am on July 4, 2010, Ollie & Prie Misra said…
thanks for the idea! I will google about and see if i find out more and if so, will give it a shot! Ollie was born with a little facial nerve damage that the vet thought was b/c he was the smallest pup and he hit his head coming down the birth canal ont he pelvic bone... it doesn't affect his health much but caused his left eye to have some difficult blinking, his lip to droop a little, and his left ear might not have gone up... but within 3 weeks of being, a little tlc, time, and his big heart his ear went up on it's own, his left eye started blinkign and is now almost as frequent as the right & in unison as it should be, and his lip has stopped drooping! My lil guy's ears are a little crooked (as is he has whiplash! lol!) but we think that it just makes him extra cute :) We're hoping that with a little more time all the facial nerves will return to full function... at the rate he's going, that may be sooner than any of us thought possible! Corgis just have the best personality and are so bright! I just love them :)
At 12:12am on July 04, 2010, Nicki, Lily Rose,& Charlie Tuna gave Carol Rea a gift
At 12:11am on July 4, 2010, Nicki, Lily Rose,& Charlie Tuna said…
I'm so sorry that Lucky won't get back full mobility, but it sounds as if he's a happy boy and enjoying a full life anyway. Good for him and good for you for taking such good care of him! Both your Corgis are fortunate to have such loving humans! And, of course, you're lucky to have them too. What a blessing our furry children are!
At 9:57pm on July 3, 2010, Kitty Kirwin said…
Good to know Iam not a complete Nutter! Thank you. She is my little girl & a climber. I worry she will fall. The Kitchen island was so scary, I have moved things so she can get up on it again I hope. Your baby's are so beautiful really.
At 9:25pm on July 3, 2010, Ana Smith and family said…
thank u so much for welcomeing us :)
At 8:08pm on July 3, 2010, Brittany Nelson said…
Hello. Thank you for your very nice comment. I am sorry to hear about your illness. Corgi's are real great with helping people over come great things.
At 2:51pm on July 3, 2010, Nicki, Lily Rose,& Charlie Tuna said…
Thank you for your sweet and understanding comment, Carol. it WAS horrible to lose both Mr. Fish and Chloe Rose essentially at once, and I still miss them both so much. But Lily Rose is such a wonderful little pup, and she is definitely helping us to heal. I feel so lucky to have her in our lives. Your dogs are adorable too! And Lucky looks very jaunty with his wheels! Will he be able to be back to his old self soon?
At 1:22pm on July 3, 2010, Dani Schwegel said…
Thank you for the warm welcome! :)

~Dani & Ein
At 10:21am on July 3, 2010, Jane Christensen said…
He's one "Lucky" dog!!!!!!!!! He looks so comfortable with his new wheels!
At 10:41am on July 2, 2010, Jane Christensen said…

They are very special people. it's Joanna,Rainy and Calvin and Joanna's dad made this for me! What a wonderful surprise!
At 9:56am on July 2, 2010, Julie Peters said…
Thank you for the comment! Bridget loves to lay on the air vents! I often wonder why I don't feel any air in the room only to look over and see her happy and cool as can be on top of the vent! They are such funny dogs!
At 9:32am on July 2, 2010, Joanna, Rainy and Calvin said…
Hi Carol, Lucky and Sonny! You corgis sure are cute! How could anyone NOT love a corgi, is what I'd like to know. It's really heartwarming that the two of you little guys found your people. Lucky, you are quite suave in your new wheels, and it's wonderful that you have your mobility back. Sonny looks like a character - I can't imagine how someone wouldn't bother with him :( It's great that they have someone like you Carol! Thanks for being our friend!!

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