Zigward & Kimberly's Comments

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At 10:18pm on September 1, 2013, Ciara & Macy said…
Granted I'm rarely on anymore due to my computer breaking, whenever I'm on you never are ): we seem to keep missing each other I guess. I hope you and Ziggy are doing well! Just I case you don't know I used to be JustLittleOldMe. Lol I changed my name on here. Hope to talk to you soon!
At 2:17am on August 23, 2013, Wilson Waddlepants and Joyce said…

Hi Ziggy and Kimberly !  Thanks for reminding us we need to come back to MyCorgi.com ! We spend too much time on Facebook.   Wilson and Joyce 

At 2:13am on January 30, 2013, Antonius & Waffle said…

hey thx for the birthday greeting :D

hope the best for  u. thc :)

At 11:28pm on January 22, 2013, Alexandra & Trixie said…

Hey Kymii, Nathan and I were talking about applying for the beta version of the elder scrolls mmo, and if you haven't already, you should submit a request!  Big skyrim fans over here :D  http://en.signup.elderscrollsonline.com/  Let me know if you end up applying and get in!  I can live vicariously thru you, haha!

At 1:11am on December 4, 2012, Scott+Nicola+Brody said…

hey how have you guys been?

At 2:08pm on November 21, 2012, steve ruggles and Ziggy said…

Thank you.  Yes, she's got good genes!  I've met Grommit btw.

You're dog is very cute as well!  Love the little characters (cartoon like)

At 5:38am on October 30, 2012, Shippo, Gidget & Sheldon said…

Yep :)  I just got her a week ago from Kathy Fortin in MO.  She's going to be my first attempt at showing lol

At 2:58pm on October 25, 2012, Cynthia & Molly said…

I've only seen a corgi once in real life, and ever since then I wanted one so badly! Now I'm gonna get my first dog AND it's a corgi, it's literally like a dream come true :) I think I'd explode to when I see my puppy for the first time and as time goes by hahaha

You should definitely get a pup from poso creek too!!! Thanks for telling me about Brody, Nicola + Scott's dog. I will definitely check them out :D

At 1:04am on October 22, 2012, Cynthia & Molly said…

Ziggy is sooooo cute!! He looks very snug-able :D

At 2:40am on September 23, 2012, Annette Lucas said…

Thank you the information on Fergie. Although she is very cute we are looking for a male playmate for our 4yr old female Kailey Mae.

Our Skipper  Lou was 12 when he passed away (tears) and Kailey Mae is very lonesome so, she will be a big part of our decision on her new playmate too :)

At 4:47pm on September 8, 2012, Anne said…

Took Le-Le a long time to get used to the camera. Yes she was featured in CL a few years ago. Had to get her shot when the editors were out of the house. Too shy to come out when they were around. She is a lot less shy now a days.

At 12:07pm on September 8, 2012, Anne said…
Thanks for the friend request. Don't get on this site too much. Do FB more. Your corgi is very cute!!
At 3:35pm on August 19, 2012, Sidney and Angie said…

I did my first raffle for a gift certificate and that was Augusts prize.The winner was snickmom. Now I am doing Septembers raffle prize for 8 cans of wet dog food:) I want to do prizes monthly

At 6:20pm on August 16, 2012, Sidney and Angie said…

Happy Birthday!!!I just found out it was your birthday when I went to your page(shows you how much I pay attention:P)

I am doing a free raffle for 8 cans of Priority wet dog food.It is in the Events catagory if you want to check it out:)

At 7:52pm on August 10, 2012, Sidney and Angie said…
At 11:36am on August 4, 2012, Scott+Nicola+Brody said…

hey kim! how is ziggy doing?

At 11:57pm on August 02, 2012, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) gave Zigward & Kimberly a gift
Happy Birthday Ziggy! Hope it was filled with yummy treats. xoxo
At 9:45pm on August 1, 2012, Lola and Paige said…
Happy birthday Ziggy!!! Hope you had a great day!!!
At 1:31am on July 31, 2012, Sidney and Angie said…

Hello,I am having a very busy summer.How have you and ziggy been?I'm still so sorry about Skittles.Was he the only cat you had?

At 5:13pm on July 28, 2012, Yuki & Ellie said…

I saw this while browsing the 'net and thought of you and your pug:  



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