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At 2:36pm on January 27, 2009, Margaret Brown said…
Her maiden name is Bauer. Her mom passed away a few years ago, and her Dad has since moved to Prague.
At 2:12pm on January 27, 2009, Margaret Brown said…
Kristen, it looks like you already have a picture of my corgis! I can't believe how much the picture you have up resembles KC and Tasha. Unreal, and yes, KC is like living with a cartoon. Tasha is a very bossy female, but underneath the gruffness, she's sweet. My sister-in-law is from Wahoo, and their wedding was at the Catholic church in Wahoo (several years ago), so I know where you're talkinga about. I will get some help with pictures and post them.
At 12:34pm on January 25, 2009, penny spencer said…
Kristen. Your Christmas photos are cute. Hope you had a nice holiday season.
I don't get on site unless I see someone on my Gmail has left a message. Life is hectic here. Dogs are all okay. We're moving my dad in with us. Early stage dementia (Alz). Best for him and me right now. I'm anxious and terrified all at once. He's doing fine but know it will be an adjustment. He will love having the dogs (his granddogs) around for company. I was just earnestly seeking employment to help my husband, kids pretty much gone, and now this. I'm overwhelmed but know this is what I have to do. Thanks. and take care, love to the babies. Pam
At 5:42pm on January 21, 2009, Sir Riley of Pembroke said…
I never got around to tell you I love the christmas photos! They are so funny!
At 8:00pm on January 20, 2009, Angie said…
Kristen I will see Threasa and Brad on Thursday i'll tell her hi.
At 2:51pm on January 16, 2009, Michelle & Molly said…
Hey thanks for the warm welcome! All of your babies are beautiful!! My 12 year old son's name is Brody!!! Love all of the names! I agree would love to raise Corgi's and Quarter Horses!!!
At 10:18pm on January 15, 2009, VanCleave's said…
Thanks so much for the Welcome! Coralville is in Iowa right next to Iowa City.
At 2:29pm on January 15, 2009, Abbea and Vivi said…
Well that's good to hear! I'm afraid that there might not be a meetup near here. There isn't even a group for Arizonan corgis.. I guess I'll start one and see who joins.
At 1:41pm on January 15, 2009, Abbea and Vivi said…
Thanks for the welcome! I hope I can find a meetup nearby, although I hope everyone would understand when I show up to a corgi meetup with no corgi! Hehe.
At 1:47pm on January 12, 2009, Robert Pagliaro said…
Hi Kristen, thanks for the kind words and help. I don't know if it was staph but Gus was licking his paws alot and got a yeast infection between his toes. Vet said it was a chicken and egg thing, never can tell which came first. The vet called this morning to check on Gus and said if this last round of antibiotics doesn't do it they are going to want to check his Thyroid functions...
At 11:14pm on January 8, 2009, Anna said…
aww! they might sink if it gets too deep. hopefuly it will snow in oklahoma this winter. so molly can play in it.
At 12:57pm on January 7, 2009, Anna said…
oh wow, i can imagine the hair! i just have one and it's enought to cover everything. Four corgis!! you have a little pack of corgis! do they like the snow?
At 12:38pm on January 7, 2009, Anna said…
Your corgis are precious!!! how many do you have? gotta love the cute little nubs!
At 9:56am on January 5, 2009, Ike Willis said…
Thanks for the nice words. Unfortunately I have not been to Gettysburg for 2 years now so haven't seen the new renovations. They also have made the battlefield look more like it did in 1863 so I do have to get back.
At 9:19am on January 5, 2009, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Love the new pictures Kristen, so cute!
At 3:24pm on January 3, 2009, Sarah said…
Thats awesome how many horses do you have?
At 11:43am on January 3, 2009, Kimberly said…
Thank you so much for the advice! I think it will go smoothly and I really think Bandit will love having a little buddy to play with. Our cat doesn't give him the time of day and he tries so hard to get her to chase with him. We are planning on taking Bandit with us to pick up the new puppy, so I think that will help things a lot. I will let ya know how it goes. Have a good weekend!
At 8:13am on January 3, 2009, Kimberly said…
Thank you so much! Sometimes I wish he was still a puppy, but then I remember all the chewing, lol. Your babies are so cute! We will be getting a buddy for Bandit this summer, hopefully a red/white. Did yours do well each time you added another one? I am a little worried about Bandit getting jealous.
At 5:00pm on January 2, 2009, Debbie Landrie said…
The job pays the bills, but me heart is at home with my husband and animals. If I could make a living with that - I would do it in a heart beat. We have e horses along with the dogs. Those numbers are down from what we have had in the past - much easier to handle. :-)
At 8:42am on January 2, 2009, Marion and Vern said…
Boy they sure do look alike! As far as that Senator goes have you thought about a full page ad in the local news paper or fliers by bulk mail telling what they are doing and maybe asking why? We have a City Council woman here who passed a bill on animal welfare...fee if animal is not fixed ($500), breeders fees things of that nature. Which sounds real good except they can't inforce it and animals that are not taken care of before still aren't! She should have put her energy into stiffer animal cruelty/abuse laws, dog fighting, cock fighting instead she wanted to require toys for pets!! I will be posting a tribute to Tedi on Rainbow Bridge. Thanks for the understanding.

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