Sarah C.'s Comments

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At 12:53pm on February 5, 2009, John Wolff said…
The "Photographers" group loads much faster at work, but still kinda slow. Our DSL line at home is intolerably slow. I've heard that the choice between DSL & cable depends upon where you are and the quality of the local lines. I think our DSL line is just overloaded sometimes.
Some posting software shows a dialog box with an option to automatically resize jpegs on upload, but not this site.
At 1:06am on February 5, 2009, John Wolff said…
Hey Sarah, I've pretty much abandoned the "Corgi Photographers" group because it takes too long to load. It might help to post a PROMINENT notice to post photos no larger than, say, 100-200 kb, which is plenty big and incidentally prevents anyone from downloading your hi-resolution photos for their own purposes.

And yes, that study on "inequity aversion" is interesting; it shows that dogs are smart enough to have a sense of justice. And we thought we were sop smart....
At 5:42pm on January 26, 2009, The Littles said…
already heard bout the tainted treats, but very interesting article bout dogs and treat envy. thanks!
At 8:52am on January 23, 2009, Max & Cody said…
Great pics
At 11:52pm on January 18, 2009, John Wolff said…
re: Oops, my bad. I sent out a message to all members, hopefully it'll be settled in the next posts. :)

Now you owe us all a little treat. arf arf. :)
At 11:50pm on January 17, 2009, John Wolff said…
Het Sarah,
You might put a request to post only small files in the Corgi Photographers group. Looks like people are posting full-size 2+ MB picture files. The group takes too long to load, even on my DSL line (maybe it's my ancient computre; I'll check it on my wife's new one). Photo files only need to be about 100 kb for the web, I think.
At 1:39pm on November 23, 2008, LaVerne & Shirley said…
Hi Sarah
I really appreciate your response to my concernes about Lavernes car sickness. Your ideas make sense I will give them a try. Thank you so much for taking time for our questions. That really means so much!
At 10:45pm on November 14, 2008, Norma said…
Hi Sarah, I agree with everyone else, Didi is beautiful! I just joined the site, but look forward to doing meetings. Maizy is 7 months, and has not been around other dogs. I've been a bad mama.

It will be intersting to see how she handles that, since she is a handful. =0]
At 9:23am on November 5, 2008, Gail's Lil' Gizmo said…
or "POLITICS GONE TO THE DOGS" haaaaaaaa haaaa aorrrrrrrrrr
At 8:30am on November 5, 2008, Gail's Lil' Gizmo said…
Sarah.. why don't we have a group called News of Interest.. or something then we could go there and talk about things that are going on and interesting news ect in our country? what do you think.. Create it and i will come.. LOL Gail.
At 3:55pm on October 30, 2008, Lady Bug (Michelle) said…

Welcome to Corgis in Texas!
At 2:28pm on October 28, 2008, Lady Bug (Michelle) said…
I would love to get a Houston Corgi meetup group going. I actually went to and signed up to be notified if one gets started. The Houston Pembroke fanciers have meetings and events that are a good way to meet others. I've done that as well. This past weekend we went to the 6th Annual Corgi Fun Day near Austin and there were corgis everywhere. I've never seen so many in one place (even counting dog shows) and it was great. Bunny butts every direction, I couldn't quit smiling.
At 10:56pm on October 8, 2008, Michelle said…
I just ran across your response to a discussion regarding "should I get a corgi?' and got a laugh all over again. My dad, who has alzheimers, was at my house a couple of years ago while I was attempting to play catch up on house chores he seemed bored so I ask him if he would like to go out and water my flower beds. He naturally agreed. My two fur babies were outside with him and my boy just looooovvvvess a water hose. While loading the washing machine i heard a commotion like you would not belive. I IMMEDIATLY went outside to here my father hollering explicative and swinging the waterhose at my excited Cardi Boy which was exciting him to a fevered pitch and making by girlly dog absolutely a barking machine. After I had to holler like a mad woman to get their attention (I know the neighbors must have been thinking what the........)I decided that the house chores could wait and took daddy his house for the rest of the aftenoon. Cardi Boy was very disappointed he was having a great time when the waterhose was being swung at him unmercifully..HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
At 3:50pm on September 28, 2008, Melissa & Gary said…
Just wanted to check in and see if all is back to normal - now that Ike has gone !!
At 12:05am on September 12, 2008, Mister Jack said…
Thank you! :3 Good luck again and stay safe!
At 2:00pm on September 11, 2008, Wynne Phillips said…
We used to live in League City (before we had Gus). How does Didi deal with the heat? Gus hates it when it gets hot here, but of course we don't have air conditioning. He loves the snow!
At 10:26pm on September 9, 2008, Mochi said…
Didi is so adorable!

thank you for the response back to my discussion :D
it helped me :D
At 8:29pm on September 3, 2008, Erica said…
do you know anything on pregnant corgis?
At 7:34pm on August 25, 2008, Avyon said…
oh good I felt so bad!
At 2:04am on August 15, 2008, FuzzyButt said…
I don't know about a troll but he sure is an idiot. I feel sorry for his poor corgi.

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