Ashton's PT Title RunphotoAshton's PT Title Run4 LikesOfficial Picture: 2012 PWCCA National Specia…photoOfficial Picture: 2012 PWCCA National Specia…4 LikesBrandyphotoBrandy3 LikesFavorite all dirty from playgroup.photoFavorite all dirty from playgroup.3 LikesOMG! we are growin by four paws!!!photoOMG! we are growin by four paws!!!8 LikesWhat a happy girl!photoWhat a happy girl!4 LikesHappy Holidays Corgi Nation from the Levy's
BlogHappy Holidays Corgi Nation from the Levy's7 LikesPosing is a lot of hard work, time to relax.photoPosing is a lot of hard work, time to relax.3 LikesAll i want for Christmas is Favorite.photoAll i want for Christmas is Favorite.9 LikesFrog LegsphotoFrog Legs7 LikesIMG_2666photoIMG_26665 LikesAnd the winner is??????videoAnd the winner is??????5 LikesStella!!!!photoStella!!!!3 LikesOrion AvatarphotoOrion Avatar4 Likesa smile to die forphotoa smile to die for17 LikesSilly SmilephotoSilly Smile12 Likesfriends! and dear Abbey is home!! 011photofriends! and dear Abbey is home!! 01121 LikesI killed a black snake for you, Mom.photoI killed a black snake for you, Mom.6 LikesPenny LouchaphotoPenny Loucha5 LikesHappy Tenth Month Mark, Ziggy!