Dramatic dog rescueIt was a bad Saturday at Snoqualmie Pass near Seattle. Two separate avalanches involved over half-a-dozen snowshoers. 2 are dead, one of whom is still missing. Several injuries and very narrow es…DiscussionDramatic dog rescue1 LikeSt. Patrick's Day 2013photoSt. Patrick's Day 20135 LikesIMG_9805photoIMG_98051 LikeIMG_2555photoIMG_25551 LikeIMG_2738photoIMG_27381 LikeIMG_4569photoIMG_45692 LikesHey, I see you!photoHey, I see you!2 LikesHey, what's that noise?photoHey, what's that noise?3 LikesCouch PotatophotoCouch Potato10 Likes15 1/2 weeksphoto15 1/2 weeks3 LikesGendryphotoGendry6 LikesFirst PhotophotoFirst Photo3 LikesMud MonsterphotoMud Monster4 LikesCooper & GrampaphotoCooper & Grampa7 LikesBandanaphotoBandana5 LikesFrog Battle 2photoFrog Battle 24 LikesRRP_8212 einphotoRRP_8212 ein3 LikesDSC_0362photoDSC_03622 LikesMurray april.jpgphotoMurray april.jpg5 LikesIMG_2394photoIMG_23946 Likes_-204photo_-2043 Likes