Happy Pappy Lookin' PuppyphotoHappy Pappy Lookin' Puppy3 LikesTaffy at 1 monthphotoTaffy at 1 month2 LikesTaffy at 1 month (2)photoTaffy at 1 month (2)2 Likesch coventry how high the moonphotoch coventry how high the moon3 LikesEars!photoEars!1 LikeDrinking waterphotoDrinking water1 LikeSleeping HabitsphotoSleeping Habits1 LikeBentley babyphotoBentley baby1 LikeROPE!photoROPE!1 LikeFirst HalloweenphotoFirst Halloween2 LikesSmilingphotoSmiling2 LikesBad dogphotoBad dog5 LikesSilly SmilephotoSilly Smile12 LikesNew CollarphotoNew Collar1 LikeIMG_1667photoIMG_16672 LikesIMG_1642photoIMG_16422 LikesIMG_1610photoIMG_16101 LikeI think this year is the yearI know that there are a couple of similar posts, posted within the last week in fact, but they are not in my area.
I have been lurking on this site for a couple years now, occasionally very active b…DiscussionI think this year is the year1 LikePhoto0408photoPhoto04087 LikesPhoto0407photoPhoto04071 Like