Our new Corgi (puppet) meets Rocky

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Comment by MollyJo on April 13, 2010 at 9:31pm
omg soooooo cute!!!!
Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on April 3, 2010 at 2:46pm
How cute...I was just going to ask you where you got that puppet!! Then I saw where you posted that already. Thanks for sharing! I NEED one now!!
Comment by Tauna and Kota on April 3, 2010 at 2:22am
Cuuuute. He's playing with it like he would another dog... That's awesome.
Comment by Edward and Gemima on April 2, 2010 at 11:38pm
I almost bought this puppet about a month ago...thanks for sharing that great story!!!
Comment by Rocky on April 2, 2010 at 6:48pm
The Corgi Puppet is from Folkmanis Puppets, each puppet comes with a little story or script, this is the one that came with out puppet:


Once long ago in Wales, a young boy fell asleep while watching over his family’s cattle and dreamed that fairies came to him and said they would grant him a wish. “I just wish being a shepherd was easier,” he told them,”for I find it very tiresome and lonely.” When he awoke, he saw that it was dark already, but a full moon lit up the meadow. There in front of him he made out what he took to be a fairy ring. It was surrounded by little muchrooms, or elfstools as they were called thereabouts. He could see that the grass had been flattened, too, and knew it was by the dancing of tiny feet. With much excitement, he then noticed that there were two fox-like puppies in the middle of the circle, and he somehow managed to carry the little ones home while bringing in the cows. He ran to show his prize to his parents, but they were angry that he had come back so late and scoffed at his story. The very next day through, it was clear that the dogs has no mortal origin, for, small as they were, they expertly moved the cows wherever the boy wanted them to go, playing games with him all the while! Soon the boy’s parents noticed that their cows had grown biffer and brighter and that they were giving much more milk. And soon all the farmers wanted a cor gi, or little dog, for their herds and pleasure. Everyone in the land came to believe that the boy had indeed received a gift from the fairies. Do you? Look at those big ears. Don’t they remind you of elves? And if that gleam in the Corgi’s eyes isn’t fairy mischief, I don’t know what is! – By Madeleine Scott

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