With heavy hearts we had to let Charlie cross the rainbow bridge... Fathers Day 2015.. We will miss you Charlie bear.

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Comment by Durri Bakht on November 27, 2015 at 1:12am

My condolences on the loss of your sweet Charlie Bear.  That was a lovely video of him.  

Comment by Stephanie on November 25, 2015 at 6:29am

I decided to hit the "like" button.  As I already posted below, I do know how hard it is to lose a wonderful furry companion and I am very sorry for your loss.  The video is "special", however, and I felt it deserved a "like".  I am at least glad that he had the eleven wonderful years with you ................

Comment by Avyon on November 16, 2015 at 7:43pm

Thank you for your thoughts. He was just shy a few weeks to turn 11. It was the big C where it snuck up on us without even knowing. It's shocking how fast that can happen. I wish we did something more fun his last day but I know we didn't know...

Comment by Alison Prasavath on November 16, 2015 at 3:32pm

I loved the destroying of the box. We consider Noodles to be our great recycler since he will break down all boxes for us and we can fit more in to our recycle bin. I just don't get the excitement of tearing apart boxes, oh well. What a very sweet video and thank you for sharing.

Comment by Stephanie on November 16, 2015 at 9:22am

You will get many "sorry for your loss" posts here as the community here does always share the sadness of the loss of another little Corgi kid.   Truly, I am very sorry for your loss.  It hurts so much, I know.  I have been there with dogs and cats and I know the huge hole left in my heart each time one passes over the bridge. 

How old was little Charlie Bear?  Such a wonderful video and what an adorable little Corgi.  He reminds me of our little black-headed tri, Thor.  Little tears in my eyes as I think of you.

Comment by Abbey & Anne on November 15, 2015 at 10:29pm
Sweet memories of Bear Bear will remain forever!

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