I am curious. When you got your tri- Corgi as a puppy did it have a red face or a black face and did it change as they matured? Lizzies face had the same markings as a puppy as she has now. I know they often change. Brodie has a black face now, but I'm not so sure it will stay. What has been your experience?

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Edison had a black face (much like Brodie) and little tan eyebrows. Over time, the black retreated and he is now mostly redheaded, though he's still mostly black in the back (too much to be described as a saddle).
Gus's face was much darker when we got him. The black extended almost to his nose and the back of his ears were black as well. Now he has much more red - I really like how he looked as a puppy and NOW! Two corgis in one. :)
My female didn't change at all. She's almost two and her markings are the same now as they were in her baby pictures. Her ears are tipped black. My little male is just three months old and has more brown on his head. I'm not expecting much change from him since his colors are deep like Chloe's.
My little girl Sadie started with a red face and over the years she is getting lighter and lighter . My little guy Rolo started with mainly a black head with bits of red and white in his face . Now the tips of his ears are more red and his face is overall lighter.
Lizzie has black tips on the inside ear edge. The hair inside is red. Maybe you were thinking Brodie. I'm thinking he will turn more red. I was told that it is the prominent color surrounding the eyes is what determines red-head or black head. I'll have to do a little more research.
I was curious about this too...
Dexter is 14 weeks old now... and it looks like the fur on the back of his head and ears are red at the roots. I'm thinking he may become a red-headed tri! ???
It will be fun to watch the little guys and see how things change as they grow up.
I think it's kind of sad, though. I will always think Kara is gorgeous, but I want her to stay like she is. Her ears are brown/red inside and on the backs of her ears in patches. It's kind of odd the way the colorings are on her ears, but perfect at the same time.
Dexter did not turn red... he still has his black mask. :)
I do see shades of red... but I think he is definitely a black headed tri!
Penelope changed a lot. Her face was almost all black except for tan eyebrows. Now it looks like she's got a tan mask with some black right on top of her head, but her head and ears still have red hair underneath the black. Maybe she will be even more red-headed.
I think Brodie is going to stay a BHT. His ear tips are staying black as well as his little mask. I'm going to take some pictures of him this weekend and post a side x side. I'm going to scan a pix of Lizzie as a pup and do the same. It would be interesting to see others do the same. We can conduct our own color study by comparison.


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