Hi Everyone!


I was wondering if anyone was interested in planning or wanted to throw ideas out for this years corgi picnic.  It's been awhile since Carter has seen anyone of you guys and I know he misses his corgi buddies =D


~~Please send some love to Christina.  She planned last years picnic and is unable to continue to plan due to health issues.~~


Here are some of the ideas that have been thrown out there

- Freeport (Freeport Doggie Website) is where we had it last year.  We could do the same thing last time and do like a potluck type thing.  I don't know if Mike & Lisa wanted to plan it again.


Wasn't sure if you guys wanted to go to the same place.  I found a dog park in Hoffman Estates (Bo's Dog Park).  I've never been there but the park looks nice.  I'm not sure if they have day passes though and if they would let us have the picnic there.


Just trying to throw ideas out there. Let me know what you guys think or if you want to plan it =D


Hope to see everyone and their corgi's soon!

Views: 1815

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haha. this makes me giggle. ground hogs day... maybe we should call it ground corgi day.

I have a couple of concerns: 

5-10 business days puts us pretty close to the date, especially with the labor day weekend.

If the weather doesn't cooperate, I am out the $

I am going to be driving 4-5 hours anyway so that part is not a factor for me


I agree.  I will not do that either as I said before.

Who knows if the lanyards would come on time?


I am driving 3 1/2 hours.

$3?? I understand the gas money.

But if we do Freeport, Atlas, My BF and myself probably out this year. =( maybe next year

I can't do the back and forth looking for posts and info and suggestions, I am getting dizzy!

I started a NEW discussion for any who CAN attend Freeport

Super!  I like this idea.  I will check it out.


Or we can do the 11th at Freeport and the 18th at Naperville so if you really want to you can do both. But for the people who want to do Naperville cause of distance they can still do a meet up
i also like this idea too.


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