Gracie ate part of a mini-cassette tape Wed. She started vomiting and we took her to the ER. They treated her with fluids and shot. She would not eat yesterday. Took her to the vet. They did an X-ray - showed gas and a circle. They gave her an enema and the parte came out with some tape. Sent us home with metronizidale. The diarrhea stopped but she won't eat and is just laying around. I am waiting for vet's office to open. I also left a message for the on-cAll vet. I am so worried about her.

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My prayers are with you. I had a westie that ate a ball. We had the same symptoms. The vet did surgery to remove the item and he was fine. He lived to a ripe old age of 16. I know you are scared we love our fur babies. Please keep us posted.  Prayers are headed your way.

Dee and Abigail


So sorry to hear about Gracie, prayers for a fast and complete recovery from myself, Duchess and our newest addition Bandit. Hopefully she will be back to her beautiful and bouncy self soon!


Brigitte, Duchess and Bandit


Gracie seems to be improving. X-rays did not reveal any blockage. She finally started eating yesterday. She even chased Dyson in the yard. She gave us such a big scare. She is such a sneaky dog. I have never had one eat anything like this. She is still not completely herself but getting better.
That is wonderful news! I pray her recovery is fast.

Gracie is improving a little bit.  She had one vomiting episode yesterday but is still wanting food.  I am still so worried about his little girl.  She played a little bit yesterday with Dyson.  She gets these spurts of energy and then gets very quiet again.  I am still concerned about her.  At least she is eating and drinking.  She just seems so mopey.  :(



What does the vet say? Maybe she just needs a little time to feel better. It is a very good sign that she is wanting food. Keep us posted.


Please keep Gracie in your prayers.  She still isn't quite right.  She has still had a couple of vomiting episodes last night.  The vet thinks she may still have some tape stuck in her.  If she isn't better tonight, I will have to bring her back in tomorrow.  May have to do some exploratory surgery to see if there is something in there.  I hate this so much for her. :(



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