What are your corgi names? and their nick names?

My corgis are Mocha and Vienna, we named them after coffee drinks, vienna is actually a blend of turkish coffee :)

Nick names:
harry butt, bunny butt, miss fatty, mocha latte, frappochino, vienna sausage, fat rabbit, double mint twins (when they're together)

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Our pembroke is Leena.  Her nicknames are Prettygirl and Leena-Lou
I call Harlee, Mr. Butter.. when i see those big brown eyes, he melts my heart like butter...
yep, those big brown eyes and big smile!  Who can resist??
Mine is named Ellie.  Nicknames are Elliebug, little girl, and my husband calls her Ajax (although I don't know why)
Did you notice many of us ended in "but I don't know why"??

I've only had Theodore for two and a half weeks and he already has tons of nicknames! ...Of course he doesn't understand them as his nicknames yet though...  He does answer to Teddy but his other nicknames are:

The Ted-monster, teddy bear, mr. tappy-toes, theo, wiggle butt, bunny butt, guinea-pillar or cater-pig, mr. dude, the gentleman, mr. stubbs, mr. roosevelt, mr. president, and many more that I'm not thinking of right now or will come up with in the future.

Poor George just had knee surgery and they shaved his leg. My son calls him turkey leg now. Poor George! He just wags his stubby!


Mine is a girl named Sam.  She's named after Sam the hobbit from Lord of the Rings, which is a creature that's very short with big feet.  My friend has one named Frodo, which is where I got the idea.



Sammy, Sammo, Samson, basically a million different names that start with "sam", Nugget, and Nugget Butt

Well, I chose Owain because it's a classic Welsh name.  His nickname depends on his behavior at the time: Owie if he's good and Little Owie No if he's bad.  That's because I'm prone to saying "Owie, NO!" when he gets that look in his eye.  You all know what I'm talking about, I'm sure...
Our corgi mix is named Lloyd, because it was one of the few Welsh names we could find that had vowels in it! We've had him for a week now, and I've been calling him "little dude" and "the Lloydster" :)
My 6 month old is Meeko and we have alot of nick names for him haha, mostly just playing with him we will call him george, scavanger, coon dog, fatty, and some times dirty harry and dumbo :)

My Corgi Girl is named Kali.. Then we call her Kali B, Kal Kal, Kali girl, Cowgirl or mama dog!!

My Corgi Boy is named Kowboy.. Then we call him Little man, or daddy dog!!  We dont call him much cause he still dont know Kowboy that much! lol


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