Yesterday it rained alllll day for the first time since I got Poppy (a rarity in Los Angeles!) and it was very hard to walk her. We also had our first eval so I can put her into boarding over the holidays. Most places were already booked when I called over the weekend, but a place near me got decent reviews on Yelp and had availability still, so we went to have her evaluated during lunch. She passed (of course) and the person asked if I wanted to leave her there for the afternoon and I said sure. We chatted a bit more and I asked if I could get a tour of the place and the women said no, because it was raining. I was very taken aback by that answer because why should that make a difference? I wanted to see the kennels and the indoor area too, but whatever. I felt uneasy all afternoon until I went to pick Poppy up. She seemed fine and all the staff that I met were friendly, but not being able to see where the dogs stay just didn't sit right with me. I also found a few fleas once we got home (it's the end of the month for her flea meds anyway) and she seems to be coughing again more then before (oy). So I don't know.

I got a call back from another place nearby and they seem a lot better, so hopefully when I meet with them and get her eval'd at this other place, she can stay there instead. But we'll see. For a few days at the shady place, I am sure she'll be fine. Oh well.

Also, once we were home, I had a friend over, so the whole evening was thrown off anyway, when I went to take a shower, I gave her Rescue Remedy and it seemed to work just as well as the night before (still crying, whing and barking, but a lot less then before) but when I came out, she had pee'd in her pen. I was soooooooooooo mad as we had just gone out less then 3 hours before and we always go out after she has spent time in the pen. What annoys me is I keep her to such a tight schedule and she still does this. WHY?!?!?! I can see if something major was thrown off, but it wasn't. I'll blame the change in schedule for the day of her being at doggie daycare for the first time, but it still annoyed the hell out of me. And then of course, we went out (in the rain) but she didn't want to pee (because she had just "gone") and I had to use our magic word on repeat for about 5 minutes before she finally pee'd in her spot outside. It's like, what about tonight was different? Doggie daycare? The rain? Who knows. I was really annoyed. We went for a shorter walk at night because it was raining and she poo'd (thankgod) and thankfully she wasn't too hyper once we got back, not more then normal. Hopefully today will be better.

I gave her the Rescue Remedy again this morning and she was silent as a mouse when I was getting ready, the same as yesterday, so that is good!!! We'll see what happens this afternoon. And then tomorrow, I am going to put her in doggie daycare all day for the first time, but I am going to try another place, as it looks better and the first day is free:-).

But ask again later......

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on December 13, 2011 at 11:16pm

yes, if you are not sure about the place, you will spend the whole time away worrying instead of having peace of mind. Trust me...been there, done that.

Comment by Yuki & Ellie on December 13, 2011 at 3:45pm

I agree with Jennifer.  You should trust your gut about the daycare place.  I'm not sure why they wouldn't let you in because of the rain, unless they were worried you would track water/mud into a carpeted area, but I know I would certainly not like leaving my pup in a place I had never seen. 

I know it's really frustrating when you find a messy crate/pen, but try your best not to get too mad about it.  I've forced myself to laugh through it a few times, myself, because it's really not the dog's fault.  She's still a puppy and she's still trying to get used to things.  As you've said, she was a stray and there's no telling what happened to her during that time.  She needs to get used to the new rules and will probably take a bit longer than others since she's so shy/nervous.  Just keep up the schedule like you've been doing and she'll get used to it in her own time.  :)

Comment by Jennifer Markley on December 13, 2011 at 1:14pm

If your gut tells you something is amiss with the other place, stay away.  I wouldn't leave my dog without checking out all of the place either...

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