hello everyone:)
ziggy came with a bunch of papers and amoung those papers are his microchip certificate and i would like to get it updated to my information, rather than his first owners, just in case he ever went missing.
problem: i have no idea how to do this.
the certificate says on it "transferable only on the books of Avid by the holder hereof in person or by attorney upon surrender of this certificate properly endorsed" and i dont exactly understand what that means..
am i going to be able to switch his info or do they need the original owner to do so? i have her number (or at least what used to be her number, dunno about now) on the certificate and i guess i could call if its the only way.. but i dont know if thats a good idea either.
i really want the info up to date, i dont want to worry about anything happening ever with him getting loose and winding up in a shelter (not that i wouldnt be checking the shelters anyhow lol.. but still.)
thanks everyone:D

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Yes.  You can get it switched to your info.  Call the company, and they will help you do it.  Call (800) 336-AVID.

Like Jennifer posted, call AVID.  My dogs are chipped with them.  So many folks forget to update info!  There shouldn't be any problem, Kimberly.

You call the company and pay a fee and you can switch it. Often Avid will call the original owners after to obtain permission to  change the chip information. My horse had an Avid chip and that is what happened. You can't do it online or anything but you can also mail in the info with a new registration card and a check and they will change it that way, it just takes longer than a phone call. The people there are very nice and I believe its 24/7 phone service

thanks everyone:) i have downloaded the form and now i am going to print it off then fill it out, and get it sent out probably tomorrow. (payday. woot woot)

i dont care if they call the original owner, i just dont want her to decide she wants him back or anything-probably wont happens since she just left him when she moved,-because ive had that happen.. i had a pit that lived with my mom and her ex fiance and i for like six years and his previous owner went through all the trouble of tracking us down to ask for him back. of course, my moms fiance didnt give him back, he was our dog at that point, and she was supposed to have taken him back a long time ago (moms fiance was supposed to be just watching him for her but she never came back for him and just kinda dropped off the planet.) it was sad, the lady stayed and played with him a bit and she cried, but its like.. what can you expect?:/ so some pretty ridiculous stuff. im being overly cautious, but better safe than sorry.

Is there a monthly fee or charge for the chip? My Snowball has one but is not active and the maker said there is a fee to make it active then a monthly charge. I cant remember who makes the chip but he came with it from the breeder

Have the vet try to scan it next time. It should work.  My understanding is, you pay for the chip once and it's good for life.

VERIFY YOUR MICROCHIP when you go to the vet.  We checked Gwynnie's, and it gave NO SIGNAL.  It may have fallen out.  It could have been missing for years, as far as we know.


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