So I have been on the search for a 2nd dog for some time now. I thought I found that perfect 2nd dog in Truck, but his personality just didn't match my lifestyle. While searching for him I sent out e-mails to several breeders in my area describing what I was looking for and asking if they had (or knew of) anything that fit that description. I received an e-mail last night about a 14 month old female that a breeder local to me has. Here's the catch though, she wants $1000 for the dog (which seems ridiculous to me)! So my question is, when breeders are re-homing adults, what would you expect to pay? When I got Truck I paid $300 (which was fully refunded after the trial period if he didn't work out), I got all his titles, championship awards, OFA certificates, food, current vaccines and microchip, and a large metal crate. I figured this is more than fair seeing how the crate itself is about $80-$100 and that was about the cost of an adoption fee from most rescues in my area and included the same stuff (neuter, vaccines, microchip, 1  dose flea/heartworm meds). If its common for breeders to ask $800-$1000 for an adult, I am going to quit looking at breeders and just put my name on a  list for a puppy and keep an eye out at shelters, so I'd love advice/opinions/experience on how much is "common" to expect to pay for a re-homed adult dog. 

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Beth, I have a couple of friends who have gotten puppies from breeders in my area. I have asked them (or they have offered) to contact their breeders to give me a good reference and see if their breeders might have a dog that fits my needs. Its good to know that breeders would be more picky about placing an adult and that should maybe raise a red flag if the breeder is willing to place the dog knowing little to nothing about me (like in Truck's case). Hopefully some of my friends can put me in contact with people. Seems like cardigan owners are more than willing to give me their adults but pembroke adults are harder to find...go figure! I started looking into cardigans in December and have already had several people contact me after sending out e-mails to local (and not so local) breeders. We will see what happens! :-)


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