(2007)I don't have any ID microchips in my corgis, was wondering if anyone out there has done it before.

(2009 update) I've since taken all my foster dogs to get chipped. It's cheap and the procedure is fast :)

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I got Roscoe chipped when he got neutered last week. It was $40 to get the chip put in, and then $15 annually at the homeagain website to keep it active.
Hi. I am currently 'owned' (lol) by my 3rd and 4th pwc's Harmony & Jaxx. Although I have fortunate to have never lost a dog, the piece of mind it gives knowing that they would have a way to get back to me is well worth it. And it was funny to see the chip on Harmony's mylogram before she had back surgery last year. I pretty much forgot about it (guess my mind was on other things...) and it was the vet who had to tell me to relax -- it was just her implanted get back home safely to mom card :)
Am hopefully getting my 3rd corgi (another rescue) next month and he too will have the chip.

Take care

Harmony, Jaxx & soon to be just Bo (who's current name is BoBo, but cant deal with that name!)
I wish I could help but my breeder has offered to do it for me. I think you can get it done at the ASPCA, or talk about it with your vet.
The microchipping from my breeder is $38, and is AVD. Her husband does the chipping before they take them to the vet for their health certifacates.
Her husband does that?? I just assumed the vet would of done it. So our little babies feel that happening??
yes thats why when you usually get it done the vet or whoever does it takes the pup into the back so you're not associated with a bad experience.

Truthfully its just like getting an ear pierced that quick short jab (if you got your ears done right.. if you got the gun then im sorry..)

A poke and a treat and your pup is usually good to go :) though white furred pets usually get a bandaide on their back cuz there is a little blood involved lol.
I'm planning to get Dodge microchipped next month when I neuter him. That way (according to the Vet) there won't be a need for restraint when they use the needle to inject the microchip. My Vet (in California) said that it costs $40 dollars and roughly $20 of that goes toward the registration fee that's waived. You can find it cheaper ($20) but that does not include registration. I won't hesitate to do it for my dog after all the theft stories people tell me about!
My corgi is microchipped but I did it while he was neutered so that he wouldn't feel them putting it in him (I hear its a rather large needle).
I have Maya and Maddie both chipped. I work at a vet clinic and we get calls all the time about dogs who are lost but have no chip :(. In fact yesterday someone brought in a dog that had been running around their neighborhood for 2 weeks. It had a chip and we were able to contact the owner. Turns out they were visiting from California and the dog got lost. It really is well worth the money :).
Emma was chipped by the breeder before she even came home. I guess there used to be two kinds of chips and there was an issue with the fact that the readers could not read each others signals, but not they have standardized and boths kinds of chips can be scanned by the modern readers.

From the way she described it, the chip is about the size of a grain of rice and is injected under the skin between the shoulder blades. The dogs have completely forgotten about the injection a minute after it is done.
Brodey had a chip when we got him. I really should remember to change his address. My friend just got his dog chipped with a GPS. His "dog" is actually a $3,000 wolf so it was pretty important that, if she runs off, he can find her. He said he can get online with his phone and know exactly where she is. I don't know how much it was or if he has to pay a monthly fee.

My lil man ran off after we first moved here. We were frantic. He was gone for about four hours then he just trotted himself back home. As it turns out, he went visiting the neighbors a couple blocks away, barging into their house, and making himself at home. It was an interesting way to meet the neighbors, but I don't want to go through that again. My next chip is going to have a GPS. I want to get online, know exactly where he is, and go get him.
There are GPS trackers that go on collars. They are available online...I think the petsmart site has them. Other then that I have no idea about the cost and upkeep.


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