get that overwheming loving feeling just by looking at their Corgi?

I swear, it's like every time I see Ziggy my heart is going to explode.

I can't help it and every single time it happens my heart gets this crazy shock and I feel breathless.

I never want to ever be without him, just the thought of it brings tears to my eyes, he's so important and special to me.

Watching him sleep is precious. Picking up his potties after he's done makes me actually happy, because it shows me how smart he is-every time he poops, instead of heading back to our apartment, he heads for the garbages outside of our apartments to throw away his poopies.

I ask him if he's hungry a million times every day before feeding him just so I can see him bow and twirl with excitement, and hoping he'll give me a little "Woof-woof!"

Watching him learn and understand that Skittles kiki meow meow is not under, or even above him. Which, if you've read my previous post, has already improved dramatically, Skittles can hop up on the bed and even get directly in Ziggy's face without Ziggy so much as giving a hostile look.

He's so smart, he and Skiski are my babies, I wouldn't trade them for the world.

We ran into some serious financial problems, we are probably going to lose our apartment, but I don't care, I'll do what I have to to make sure that they are happy and healthy with us. I will fight tooth and nail to keep them. Especially Ziggy, he's been through so much, I refuse to fail him, no matter what it takes, he's finally settling in with us, it would kill me to let him go, to make him go through the hell of being tossed around again.

I love Skittles, but I know that he always has a home with my mother, who can't keep Ziggy due to a large necessary pet dog deposit that neither of us just couldn't afford. It would break my heart to part with Skittles, but knowing that he has a safe place with people he already knows would be a lot easier than letting Ziggy down, who would have to be rehomed to another new family and adjust again to being tossed around. I already feel like I've failed, but because of him, I'm not giving up unless I really can't afford to keep him healthy, like if a medical issue came up for him and there was nothing we could do. We have no credit and no income, but until that day comes, I am going to work my hardest and hope that an employer graces me with a job, well enough to pay for our place and any expenses that may pop up.

I knew I wanted a Corgi, I new I was craving one as if they were a drug and I was an addict, but I didn't know that I could feel this much love for one. I didn't. I've only ever had one dog that I considered a heart dog, Piggy the Pug.. Even though Ziggy isn't as excited or happy to see me as Piggy, I do firmly believe that Ziggy is my SOUL dog. He brings tears to me eyes just because I love him so.

I feel like there's nothing I wouldn't do for him.

It's been almost two months now that he's been with us, and boy how time has flown.. It's almost unreal:)

I'm very excited for the day I can say that it's been a year. I can't wait!

I love my Ziggy:)

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I get the feeling too!  When I'm driving home from work, I'm so excited to see Scout because I know she'll be waiting at the door trying to get to me first :) .  When I had a 3 1/2 day weekend retreat, away from Scout and Jeremy (fiance) I hate to admit it, but I think I missed my corgi more...  And sounds like Ziggy's "hungry" is Scout's "outside".  She lives to go outside, and when I say the word she gets all excited and jumpy and starts aroooing and whining. 

Hate to hear about the financial situation though :(  Remember, there's always chip-in and Corgi Aid if he does, for some reason, get sick.  There are so many people that love corgis and who would be glad to help out should one really need medical attention that would save a life.  Corgi Nation really is an awesome place.

I know exactly how you feel. Gracey and Roachy (golden retriever, terrier) are my dogs and I love them too, but Alex is - the way you said it - my SOUL dog. Every time I come home and I see her I get that little flutter in my heart and if I haven't been home in a while I see stars. The joy she brings me is more than any human could. Gabi & Alex 4ever <3 LOL

I am the same way. I hate leaving them and when I do see them after being gone for more than an hour or two it is so good to see them. I think they feel the same

This is too funny.  I run myself at least 30 minutes to an hour late every morning because I can't give up the snuggle time with my corgis.  They are my screen saver at work, and it just makes me want to leave work to get home so I can play with them.  I love being at the bottom of the corgi pile-up, which takes place often at my home.  Just can't get enough.

Melisse & The Waterloo Corgi Crew:  Coco, Teddy, Maddie, Fozzie, & (foster) Abbie

Love truly does "make the world go 'round".

My Oliver makes me smile. Plan and simple. You can't put a price tag on that.


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