I know that Louis's breeders didn't belive in the docking of tails, and so He was bought with one =] I've had a few people actully give me a hard time about it! saying that it wasn't "standard corgi" but Louis is ALL corgi..trust me.. lol

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Foxi also has her tail, I think its just fine!!! it doesnt change the corgi in her either. she acts just like a corgi!!! the reason she has her tail is because the vet recomended the breeder to leave her tail. Foxi's breeder was also a breeder of Jack Russel terriers and it just so happened that both breeds(corgi and terrrier) had their litter 3 day apart! after about 5 days Foxi's mom began rejecting her so the breeder took a chance by putting Foxi with the terrier mom and she abopted Foxi into her litter and let her nurse!!! When vet checks where due(for all pups) the vet advised the breeder not to alter Foxi's appearance (by docking her tail) for fear of rejection from her adopted terrier mom! the breeder made a wise choice(for me that is!!!!) she was the only one with her tail and when I seen her I fell in love!! plus, I thought it was a great story!!! She isnt any less of a corgi with her tail, she's MORE!!! she loves trying to chase after it, keeps us all entertained!!! I will never have her tail docked! there is no need! i dont care about breed standards, I care about her!!!! Thats what matters!! Corgi's with tails are GREAT!!!
My Griffy was born in the Humane Society, so his tail was never docked. I absolutely adore his tail! Especially because he's a Fluffy, so it's super furry and foxy.

No one ever knows that Griff is a Corgi because of these two unusual traits. Most people comment on how cute he is and then ask "what" he is. I kind of feel like a jerk launching into the long dissertation on why "yes, he is indeed a Corgi", hehe, but that's ok.

Griff somehow began chasing his tail on command, after we started associating the phrase "Get it!" with the chasing. He catches it, stops, then goes at it again. So cute! I'm absolutely ecstatic about seeing other Pems with tails since it's so rare :)
Haley was a rescue. She and her parents and sibs were taken away from an old man who had about 30 corgis. None were spayed or neutered, none had their tails done. The shelter first told me they were all Cardigans, but when I saw them I realized they were undocked Pembrokes. I've had two Pembrokes before and it's funny to have a dog that can wag her tail!
Haley's tail is curly, not straight like a Cardigan's. Do your undocked dogs have curly tails?
What a great story Haley has, being rescued from a collector :)

Griff's tail is straighter like a Cardi's, but when it's resting it curls slightly to avoid the floor ... short legs and all, you know :) It always curls up when he's happy or if he's playing or especially if he sees another dog!

in denmark it´s illigal to dock dogs tails so cæsar has his beautisful one intackt
It's also illegal in Poland to dock, so Crumpet has her tail too. My husband says it is illegal in most of Europe for ethical reasons. I think undocked dogs look worse and unnatural. They lose more than looks too - the tail is an expressive extension of the dog. It is akin to permanently removing the eyebrows off a human.

Even naturally bob-tailed corgis have nicer tails than the docked ones. Some people also have very light or thin eyebrows, but even the thickest most unshapely brows are better than no brows!
The other day I came across an owner with her tri color fluffy on the street. I was so excited to see another fluff in public that I blurted out, "I love your fluffy!!!" to which she replied, "You know what he is!", as I nodded enthusiastically.

She ended up enjoying lunch at the some outdoor patio as me, so I stopped to chat after I had eaten. Her fluff's name was Dozer, he was quite a big boy and absolutely charming!

But when I described Griff having an 'undocked' tail, she said, "Oh no he [Dozer] isn't docked, he was born this way." I stared at his nub -the obvious remains of a once-full tail- and opened my mouth to say something to the contrary, but decided to not sound like a smart-ass and stopped.

I am truly shocked by how many people are unaware of the AKC's current docking standards!!! Heck, even I didn't know until Griffy! I'm so puzzled by this because other countries have imposed docking bans, so it's not like undocked show Corgis are nonexistent.

When will the other Kennel Clubs catch up? Docking is pointless for pet Corgis that don't act as working dogs. We need to educate our fellow Pem lovers!!!
Some pembrokes do have a natural stubby tail, but most of them are docked. Maybe Dozer was a natural.
Some countries have banned both tail docking and ear cropping. It makes even a Doberman look like such a sweet dog!
When i got my little chloe she had not had her tail docked and by the time i had the money for something extra like that she was about a year old and her tail is one of her favorite toys. i cant even imagine how mad she would be if i took her to the vet with a tail and she left with out it.
I thought corgis were just born without tails, so when we responded to the advertisement for Sidney, we sure were surprised to see the tail on him and his brother! The lady who had him was not a full-time breeder, just did it as a hobby, I suppose. For whatever reason she did not get Sidney or Riley docked, and I'm happy for it. I love seeing that fox-like tail!

He usually carried it in a slight curl over his back.

We have been given the opportunity to educate a LOT of people about tail docking, and I have yet to meet a single person who is in favor of docking. Then again, I have never taken Sidney to meet a professional breeder. I imagine they'd have something quite different to say regarding that matter!

To me it does not matter that Sidney does not meet "breed standard". He's awesome and we love him so much!

I hope and believe that one day the US will catch up with the other countries that have banned docking, and our beautiful pups will be trendsetters.


george is a fluffy with an extra fluffy tail as docking is no longer allowed in australia...his tail is always full of leaves and bits of grass but it fabulous just like the rest of him


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