I would like to share with all of you corgi lovers that if you would really like to give back to the breed you adore it may be nice to seek out your regional corgi rescue group and become a volunteer. In Florida we have already taken in near seventy corgis so far this year. We are always in need of good foster homes, people to help with transport, people to identify and pull from shelters, people to do home visits for prospective adopters and always people to help educate others about our beloved breed. As their popularity rises so does their availability and their "cute" factor does seem to encourage lots of impulse buying with little knowledge about the breed. Sadly many of those youngsters soon are not welcome in their happy home any longer. Many have not received the very necessary training they so richly need, many have become obese and suffer health and behavior problems because of it and some by no fault of their own just are no longer able to stay in their homes. Feel free to take a look at our website www.flcorgi.com There are corgi rescue groups throughout the country. The more volunteers a rescue group has the more dogs they are able to find new homes for.

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Sam, this is great to hear. We were blessed to be notified of Dundee's plight through Sunshine Corgi Rescue in Florida. There was a Corgi we were interested in that was in Panama City, but Sunshine Corgi Rescue doesn't place outside of the State. But the person in charge heard of another in Pell City that was in desperate need and was kind enough to email me. We picked up Dundee the next week! The poor boy was in such sad shape. He was horribly underweight and whoever did his neuter and hernia surgery did a botched up home job. He was infected, scared, aggressive, fearful and miserable. It cost us a pretty penny to get him healthy, but it's been well worth it. He's now a healthy, happy boy who has learned to socialize with other dogs and people. We couldn't be more thankful for Sunshine Corgi Rescue! Anyone who desires a great Corgi who needs a loving home should consider rescue.
Zed is also a rescued Corgi. My wife and I were looking at dogs at a Corgi rescue that had all of their dogs in foster homes. They directed us to Zed who was at a shelter and in need of a home. He did not like me initially but he stayed close to my wife. I decided that was good enough for me. When we got him home he was dirty and scared. We later found out he had early stage heartworms. He made it through that treatment and is now an active and happy dog. He took a little work, a bit more money, and a lot of love but he's turned into a member of the family. Our next dog will definitely be a rescue.
Are you in Clearwater???? Cooper came from flcorgi. Going to the meetup tomorrow??
Yes, I am in Clearwater. Not attending the meet up as I am taking one of my corgis and my belgian herding. Glad Cooper has become a wonderful part of your family. I know we sure try to make a good match with dogs and their new owners.
Then you were the one that I was in contact with about the lovely little guy that was in the Polk County Shelter that my friend Fawn alerted me about. I was so relieved when you guys got him! Dudley? Going herding at Fetch or somewhere else? Now that I've had my kids I'd really love to get Norton involved in herding.
Dudley did get a new home and he travels to dog shows and art shows where his mom is a vendor. He is living the good life. I herd on a private farm in Odessa. The owner is also an AKC herding judge. She has nice stock and is great with the dogs. It is a wonderful energy outlet, fun to learn and wonderful to see a dog that uses his instinct. She has a corgi along with several other dogs. She understands the breed and enjoys them.
Another thing that makes rescue difficult is that many do not adopt out of their state or immediate area. When we adopted Dundee, there was another dog we were looking at in Panama City, FL. But because Sunshine Corgi Rescue doesn't adopt out of state, we couldn't get him. Thank goodness that the folks at Sunshine remembered us when they saw Dundee in north Alabama! But I did contact a number of rescues who would not even talk to us because of where we lived.
Ive looked but still haven't found one in my area (DC) I want to help out but I'm def. cautious about working with rescue groups now after my last experience with them..

This doesn't stop me from wanting to help though. I will still go and see if there is anything to do once I find one and make sure they're not crazy like the last group I tried to help.
I am glad that we were able to find Dundee for you as well. We typically do not do out of state adoptions for several reasons. Because we do like to screen all of our homes and do home visits adopting out of state makes this most difficult. We also like to support all of our adoptive homes and geography can make this challenging as well. I do always attempt to make appropriate referrals to anyone who contacts us and often am instrumental in making a connection to either another rescue group or a dog available in a shelter in the requested area. We have placed over 60 dogs this year directly from our organization and I have been instrumental in assisting in placement of about 20 that were not in our program.
And you rock, Sam. Sunshine was our lead in to find Dun-Dun. And I can't imagine our lives without him. But I do wish there was something in place that would allow for out of state adoptions. Thanks for all you do!
There are many national corgi rescue agencies. Searching the net will bring you many contacts. There are some agencies that indeed place dogs all over the country. Others work in their own state or a regional area. Searching Petfinder and PetHarbor will often provide information for corgis in ones area. If one searches and looks there is a corgi in need to be found.


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