What are your corgi names? and their nick names?

My corgis are Mocha and Vienna, we named them after coffee drinks, vienna is actually a blend of turkish coffee :)

Nick names:
harry butt, bunny butt, miss fatty, mocha latte, frappochino, vienna sausage, fat rabbit, double mint twins (when they're together)

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Bindi the Wonder Dog
I almost forgot another of Ruby's nicknames, my friend calls her short stack
Pistol's full name is Pistol Thibodaug - our family name is Thibodaux, from Louisiana. So I thought Thibodaug would be funny. He gets called Bubba, Buddy, Puppers, Psycho-puppy, Leaner dog, shedmonster, wigglebutt (I've notices a lot of us have "butt" nicknames for our corgis...lol)
Fletcher-Fletch, Fletcherbaby, Bunnyhop, Fletchy
Ein is named after the corgi in Cowboy Bebop. For those who haven't seen the show, it's pronounced like the first syllable in Einstein.

He has tons of nicknames. He'll respond to: Einsy, Einsaroo, Fuzzy Butt, Grumpy Pants, Fuzzy Pants, Corgi, Puppa-Doo (his grandpa calls him puppy-doog, which I turned into Puppa-Doo)

We also call him Taz when he's being a nut case, but he doesn't respond to that one yet. Others that I've used that he doesn't respnd to: Piggy Boy, Mr. Loud-Mouth-Barky-Pants, Mr. Grumbles

A non-corgi, but funny one to add: I call our collie "Pretty Girl" and "Pretty" so much that sometimes when I say that some random object is pretty, she comes to see me.
hehe my other half wanted to call Roxi - Ein but I vetoed it knowing full well my anime friends who freak out and probably try to steal her. Now every time I meet a new CB fan they ask me the same question... "Is its name Ein?!"

Im not saying its a bad name, I did consider it but I have way too many anime friends lol.
Yah, I was thinking about naming my Corgi EInion, until I realized how close it was to Ein and I didn't want everyone thinking I got the name from Bebop, as much as I love the show, its just not my style ;)
lo and behold I forgot that Roxi was also a well known movie name >_/body>
Love that show ^_~ we named our aussie pup Faye, but have to rehome her *sadly* due to travel... she's awesome and kinda is Faye-like in her ways... thieving little girl
"Mr. Loud-Mouth-Barky-Pants"...I love it!  I can just picture him looking at you with the 'What?' look, then barking more.  That's what Gracie does.
Our Corgi is named Mac (After Mac on the show Jag). We call her Macers, Macky Macky, Wiggle Butt (that's one of her favorites, she wiggles her butt when she is excited and when we say wiggle butt she get's even more excited). We also call her bear butt sometimes, and my friend Gus calls her Steve, and my friend Melissa calls her ewalk. When she roles in stuff she is stinky. She get's her lip stuck under her tooth and I call her elvis and when she is scared or just hanging and her ears go straight out, we call her Yoda. :) So many names for one little dog...
Our female corgi is named Eowyn (Pronounced - A-O-Win) and our male Corgi is named Cardiff (CAR-DIFF). :-)

Eoywn's nicknames are-
Eh (Pronounced A) , Eh-Eh (pronounced A-A) , Eowynnie , Missy , Miss Priss , Crazy girl , Manic and all other things.

Cardiff's nicknames are -
Cah-Cah, Cah, Big guy, snuggle bug, love machine, Mr. maggoo and others. :-)


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