Hi everyone,
As the title says, I've never had a dog before, but will be picking my girl up on Friday. Over the weekend I made a huge puppy supply trip to the PetSmart on 116th and picked up some necessities (e.g. crate, mat, bed, food, collar/leash, bowls, toys.. I'm sure there's more than I'm forgetting!). I'm going to call my vet sometime tomorrow or Wednesday to set up an appointment for her to get her first check up.
Is there anything that fellow corgi owners feel are important to pick up and/or do prior to her arrival? Also, do you have any suggestions on how to properly introduce a puppy into an apartment with a cat? I can just see my 2 year old Russian Blue boy (named Babar!) not taking well to a new addition.
Hi Melissa, did you get an ex-pen? i would deffinetly suggest a small expen, she then can have an area so she can lay and play by herself away from getting in trouble anywhere, kind of a safe zone for her. if i had to do it over again i would have deffinetly gotten finnie an ex pen when i got him. also did you get a portable carrier? i would suggest that being having a pup in the city, you will need to take him with you at some point and travel around with him and u dont want her on the leash until she is much older.. i still put finnie in the carrier when i take him on subways etc. try and maybe find a small park or a safe outdoor area for her to play a couple times a day outdoors, they really do flourish when theyre outside(tough to find a small park like this that would be optimal in NYC, im lucky i have a baseball field on my block that i still use)
other then that make sure you give them lots of food and water, always be positive and playful, and honestly dont expect too mcuh in the first couple weeks. when i brought finnie home it took him forever to get comfortable, and he was very timid and shy. remember this pup has been on earth for only 8-9 weeks! just make everything fun and playful, and be ready for them to sleep a TON! when i got finnie he would only play for about 10 minutes at a time before he was snoozing. thats gotten a bit better but he still sleeps around half the day.
make sure you have lots of stuff for her to chew, have a schedule and stick to it, and take lots of photos and video. good luck and feel free to let me know if you have any questions, especially NYC corgi related questions! looking forward to seeing more pick of the little gal
When you say ex-pen, are you talking about one of those exercise pens? That was one thing I meant to pick up but forgot! I do have a carrier that I use when I have to take the cat to the vet, and just will be using that while she's still a puppy. I live near the East River Esplanade dog run, so was thinking of going there for a place where she could run around without the leash.
Good tip about the sleeping! I hadn't thought about that.
One more thing! What's the deal with licensing? I've got some friends that tell me it's not that important and they've never had their dogs licensed, but they live upstate so I don't know if things are different.
also try to bring something tangible like a blanket or toy, something that will hold scent, and let her and her liter mates play with it for a while, place that item in a bag, and when youre putting your pup to bed everynight the first couple weeks take the item out of the bag and let your pup sleep with it, she will recognize the scent of her liter mates in the item and it should sooth her a little. remember to not give into her crying, and just be understanding of it. finnick was terrified at night because it was his first times actually being alone. and yeah ex pen is exercise pen, be careful about the dog run early you dont want the bigger dogs to hurt or step on her, i would try to find a small confined outdoors space for the first couple months. even now finnick is barley big enough for the dog parks and hes 5 months. lol.
Thanks! Yeah, I'm not looking forward to the "going potty all the time" thing, but it's just a part of having a puppy. And it's not forever! Is bell training when you hang a bell from the door and they ring it when they want to go out?
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