How would you like fellow members to ID you at an event?

Hey guys, more members are meeting each other in regional events, do you have any good suggestions as to how we can ID each other? Here are some of the ideas that have been sent in to us:

Official Corgi Rescue Bracelet
It is subtle and it's easy to spot, it double as a way to raise awareness for rescue and promoting the site during events. Proceeds goes to corgi rescue.

T-shirt, Cap

Everyone likes a cool T-shirt or baseball cap, but it is not so subtle when 3-4 people in a group wears the same thing :)

Dog Bandanas, collar, leash

Making our dogs wear it instead of us :)

These are just some of the ideas that have been presented to us, got a better idea or comment? let's talk about it!

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I like the bracelet idea. Bracelets should be pretty easy to produce, right? T-Shirts tend to make people look like hired help at these things... A cute corgi collar would be nice, but some of our fur kids may be too fuzzy/fluffy to make it legible!
yup, bracelet is the cheapest to produce.
bracelets are nice... bandanas are awesome.
I like the bandana or buff for people. Interchangeable, that way, even if you don't bring a corgi, someone will still be able to be spotted.

My preference, t-shirt with "MyCorgi" on front in black or brown, to cover all the color combinations.
Bandanas, it's the only thing I can get to stay on my weasely pup.
True, the FL Corgi picnic had over 100 corgis showed up last year, many owners had bandanas on their pups.
Very true, the buffs remind me of survivor :) that way someone will still be able to be spotted without a corgi.

I'll have to give more thoughts on the t-shirt.
what is a buff?? (I'm pretty buff, lol!!)
It's a multi functional garment :) made popular by the show "survivor"
thanks Sam - I would wear it on the wrist prob. Tho this kid does look pretty badd-@$$ -
LOL!!! For some odd reason the buff makes me think of the movie "easy rider" or "cheech and chong" :)
ohhhhhhhh i know them as turtles. Skiers have used 'buffs' forever.

I love how things like that get popular, someone slaps a catchy name on them and make millions.

If they get too expensive just go to a ski shop, you can get one for like 5 bucks hahah. Probably in a bigger variety of colors too.


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