Hi! I am kind of new to blogging, but I have a 1 year old corgi/daschound and he is pretty active, (he zonks out by 8pm nightly... Snoring and all). Anyways, we started noticing him limping here or there, and then he is fine. We have noticed it more when he is laying down or sleeping for awhile. I am just not sure.... Is this a corgi thing because of their build? Is there something that I should be giving him to keep his bones and body healthy? He is so young. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

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Comment by Crystal on March 13, 2013 at 12:38am
I think I will be making him an appointment for a check up. I will feel a lot better. Thanks for all of your input!
Comment by Snickmom on March 12, 2013 at 6:39pm

When Snickers tore her knee she would be more limpy when she first got up from a rest.

Comment by Connie on March 12, 2013 at 4:04pm
For a male Pembroke Corgi, the "recommended" weight is 22-27 lbs...However, that is the guideline for a "standard-size" Corgi....Some Corgi's have a much stockier build, and can weigh more without being considered overweight.
Comment by Crystal on March 12, 2013 at 10:13am
Thanks everyone! We are not allowing Maxx to jump on the bed or couch, we pick him and put him down and we are going to see if that improves this, if not we will be at the vet. Another question.... What is a healthy acceptable weight for a corgi? I am in left field here because maxx's sister is a 7lb Yorkie.
Comment by Lori Brookes on March 12, 2013 at 9:10am

Two out of our 4 corgis had these kinds of growing pains.  Every once in awhile when Giz gets up she limps around a little bit especially if she has had her little front leg doubled up under her when asleep.  She seems to "walk it off" pretty quickly and off she goes.  It is now not something I ever see her do.  She is 1.5 yrs and there is no limping any more.  I agree with Sam...if it is occasional it is probably just the need to stretch a bit....if it is constant get him checked out.  You will sleep better.  ( :

Comment by Jane on March 12, 2013 at 9:00am

I would have him checked out by a vet.

Comment by Sam Tsang on March 12, 2013 at 8:06am

Hi Crystal, most dogs will require a bit of stretch and walk to "wake up", however, constant limping is something should be checked out by a medical professional. The key to good joint / bone health is maintain a good weight and walk faithfully rain or shine. Hope that helps!

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