I have been researching reflective sun shades and cooling mats for Becca's crate at trials this summer. The summer shows I'm interested in are outdoors and I'm worried about the heat. Maine isn't as hot as some places, but still. Does anyone use either item and have any suggestions?

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We have a cooling mat that sterling sleeps on at night. He tends to get really warm and pant otherwise. We don't force him to sleep on it, but he always chooses to lie right on it. The only time he doesn't sleep on it is when he's trying to push my head off the pillows and sleep there instead. He has chewed a little hole in it, but leaves it alone as long as one of his toys is available.

I just saw reflective cooling shades at the dollar store by me today.

Really? I have priced the 6x6 and 6x12 ones online. They are $30-50. Which chain of dollar stores?

You can google "reflective tarp" and find lots of affordable choices.  Mine I got for camping at REI, so it's very light weight and it was worth the extra money to me. I've had it for years, silver on one side, blue  on the other.  Good for rain too.  The problem with tarps is that it gets hot under a tarp as they block air circulation too.  These tarps are also good when it's cold, with the reflective part on the dog side they will reflect back body heat.  You may want to consider buying a few feet of "shade cloth" which you should be able to buy even at Home Depot or Lowes as people use it for plants.  I use to have this over my outdoor kennel runs and a small piece will work well draped over a crate.  I also have a couple of small battery operated fans, they are cheap this time of year and the batteries last a long time.  A mix of this will set you up for whatever the outdoor conditions may be, within reason. Remember however that nothing beats natural shade.

The ones I have been looking at are breathable. I am probably just overthinking an issue again. One of the trainers I have worked with suggested the website below. Becca's breeder will be at our next show and she gave me some tips as well.


I hadn't thought of the shade cloth. I'll price that, it may be an affordable option for now. Thanks


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