Any corgis around the Clear Lake area that might want to have a meetup at a local park?

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hey alyssa, we have two corgis: sunny and kikko. We live around the bay area dog park if you ever want to have a corgi meetup.

I'm in Baytown, but would come join for a meet up with Enoch. Weekends would be best for us, or later after work since it's still light out til after 7. Let us know!

I've been wanting to bring Mango to bay area dog park for a while. She'll be turning 4 months old this week, and finally finished up on her puppy shots. I was thinking sometime during the week in the afternoon so I can introduce her without too many other dogs around..maybe sometime next week? I can do any day of the week except Thursdays. Would would be most convenient for everyone?

We are also in the clear lake area. Our schedule is pretty similar to Sean & Enoch - after work or on the weekend works best for us.

What time would be good for after work during the week?

For us after 5.

How would April 8th at 5:30 work?

Eep... I forgot to mention Tuesdays don't work for us because we have agility that evening. If that works for everyone else don't change the date we will make the next one. :D

anytime on saturday works best for us at bay area dog park. There's less of a crowd if we go meet up early but around 5 it starts to get packed.

Saturdays are good for me too. How would the 5th or 12th work for you guys?

Either of those dates work for us. We get up pretty early so honestly any time on a Saturday works for us.

9:30 AM on the 5th sound okay for everyone?


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