A couple of years ago Bub and I went through the bank drive-thru. The teller said, “Can I give your buddy a treat? He’s looking at me like, ‘I know you have some!’”

Just normal Bub at the bank stuff.

THEN, after taking awhile to get the receipt back to us, the teller came back and said,

"Sorry, there was a really weird guy in here and he kept staring at your dog. And then he said, ‘Is that a corgi!? Is that a CORGI!?’ So I said, ‘Uhh yeah, I think it’s a corgi.’"

Then apparently the man tried to make a run out of the building to our car, but the tellers locked him inside before he got to the door with their handy little button.

Has anyone else encountered crazy people when out with your corgi? Please share!

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I was walking Ziggy a few weeks back and we passed a lady on the phone who, as soon as she saw Ziggy, start shouting into the phone, "MOM, MOM, HOLD ON, I HAVE TO CALL YOU BACK! THERE ARE PEOPLE WALKING A CORGI BY MY HOUSE!" and just hangs up then runs over to us. She spent like twenty minutes on the ground with him, calling him into her lap repeatedly. Apparently she'd lost her Corgi a few months prior, and she thanked us a lot for stopping, it was actually kinda nice to meet someone as Corgi insane as I am haha.

In a situation like that It's indeed nice to have offered this moment for someone greiving.    I usually meet some around the trails that can automatically realize Wally is a Corgi and love to pet him, approach him, etc.     For those people I let them have their fun cause Wally knows and senses it's for the right reasons.

Nothing much story like that but just a few times I walked Wally downtown after work.   The sidewalks are not the best to pick up poo so I tend to stick to nature trails now and close to the parks.    But a couple of times I've been approached by individuals whom... how should I put it... struggle in life (either substance abuse, disabilities, living with a mental illness).     Whatever their troubles, they light up when they see a pup smilling back at them.     

So for these reasons I'm careful to let them approach and keep a close eye and make it short.   But on a few occasions Wally has had the fortunate opportunities to meet "particular" individuals that our downtown has to offer.


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