The last week has been quite busy for Madog. He has learnt all sorts of useful new survival techniques.

He has learnt to hunt and caught his first giant cockroach. It was a fair fight but for a while there I had my money on the cockroach. I guess his natural killer instinct overwhelmed the insect in the end. I like living in the south but dang they have big bugs down here.

He doesn't want to go back to nature all the time so has mastered the rollie ball. And loves it. He uses it so much that I don't seem to put food in his dish anymore as he prefers to get it out of the ball. This thing keeps him entertained for hours. It kept my GSD entertained until the day he died.

Madog has also learnt that if the rollie ball or a cockroach isn't handy a leather shoe will do in a pinch. This got him permanently removed from the accessory closet. He would stay in there and watch the front door while I was gone. Not no more. He ate the only pair of work shoes I had that were brown, comfy and didn't require a pedicure. Now I have to either wear boots, get a pedicure or go shopping.

He definitely has that killer instinct. I better sleep with one eye open just in case.

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Comment by Madog on September 17, 2008 at 9:31pm
I am glad I can keep you amused. It is very therapeutic for me. And watch those frogs they can be fierce.
Comment by Alla on September 17, 2008 at 8:38am
I love your stories! You have a good sense of humor. Madog is great! Charlie (almost 4 mo) had a fight with a frog yesterday, but she finally managed to escape :)
Comment by momto3ltlgrlz on September 16, 2008 at 9:35pm
I am in total agreement with you on the giant cockroach thing. Them waterbugs are creepy and need to be destroyed!! Lily goes crazy over them also. Madog sounds like such a character. I am sure he keeps you on your toes.! Perhaps sometime we can have a meet~ we are in Shreveport once a month or so. Give Madog a big scratch for us!

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