I want to wish all the attendees a grand time at the picnic in FL this weekend. I will not be able to attend as I will be enjoying Pine Mountain Ga attending the national corgi speciality. There will be several of our wonderful Sunshine Corgi Rescue volunteers in attendance. If you see them take time to give that a pat on the back. Without the help of these wonderful folks we would not have been able to take in over 80 dogs already this year.
Know that I will be with you all in spirit. Hug your corgis. Many are not so lucky to have loving and caring owners. Remember we are always looking for volunteers to be a part of our wonderful organization. Know it is both the most heartwarming and heartbreaking experience. Most go on to live wonderful long lives in happy and loving homes. Ask our volunteers about fostering. I am sure they will happily tell you what it is all about.
Donations are always welcome. We operate on our adoption fees and the few donations we receive. There is no state or federal funding. We are in the process of receiving our 501(c)3 which will make donations tax deductible. Keep your eyes open for a brand new web site in the near future. Some wonderful corgi folks are working on its design as we speak. This site will be more up to date, have more printable information and have a page thanking those that have helped our organization. We are also hoping to soon start some fund raising efforts including sale of corgi items.
Celebrate in great corgi style this weekend. Enjoy the many corgis and their owners. Remember the homeless corgis as you participate in the fund raising efforts there. Both Corgi Aid and Sunshine Corgi Rescue go the extra mile to help all corgis regardless of age or medical status.


Sam Bates
Sunshine Corgi Rescue

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Comment by Suse Scheimreif on November 12, 2008 at 12:38pm
that is too bad - I was looking forward to meeting your new intern and your family!

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