Hi all!

Good news! Back by popular demand, Calendar second run is on! Order Now.

Thanks all the members for their support!


Silvia & Sam

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I guess I misunderstood. I thought we were only allowed to send you one photo. I had three or four other ones I though might have had a shot.
You are correct Geri! Only 1 photo per member will end up on the calendar. Yes we are aware of the extre photos, but don't worry, no one photo has a higher chance than the other.
I thought the same thing, so you're not the only one who misunderstood. I also thought it said that each member could only send one because so many photos were received last year.
Wow, there are a lot of really wonderful photos here... heck, I'd scoop up all these guys and take them home! Best of luck to all the finalists! :D
How are we supposed to pick out of all of the beautiful photos.
I know! They look SO much better than the standard calender photos!
Voting glitch:
I tried voting today 12/2/08, thinking I'd missed the "Nov. 2" deadline, but I was unable to select the checkboxes on the vertical-format photos. I tried again, and the second time around, I figured out how to do it, selecting 3 vertical shots. Although I voted twice, I think I only voted for 15 total.

The electoral college may need to consider this possible bias against the vertical photos.

Gosh it's fun to vote twice! tee-hee. Maybe we really do need foreign election monitors.

Vote early! Vote often!
How do you vote for the vertical ones? I didn't vote for 15 because I couldn't vote for some of the ones that I wanted to vote for.
We'll have to get the Supreme Court to appoint some of the vertical photos.

I eventually figured out how to select the checkboxes on the vertical shots -- you have to carefully click ABOVE the checkbox so as not to select the overlapping photo below.

I believe Sylvia corrected this glitch -- on the final day of voting.
Yeah, we knew people were voting several times (15) hoping that will increase their chances, but we're more "sophisticated" than that :) besides ip tracking, we had other tricks up our sleeve, there is really no way you can cheat with this one..... he he he
huh Im not surprised but in a way I am... who would cheat on a dog calendar?! lol.
Hi Silvia-

2 questions:

How many total photo submissions were there?

When will the results be published?


PS. I did look through all of the posts and I didn't see any specific answers to these questions although I might have missed it.


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