Hi gang...anyone out there have any special rituals for winter solstice/yule? And do you involve your corgi kids in your rituals?

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We go skiing, of course. Or snowshoeing.
wow! what a picture... and cute baby too...
Looks like a little wolf! ^_^ How gorgeous.
We saw a coyote at close range (20 yds.?) at the start of this hike. It barked at us (playfully?) several times; I heard the barks before I saw it, and put Al on-leash, expecting to meet somebody with their dog... but only met the dog, with no collar. I've never heard a coyote bark like that.
You take the most gorgeous pictures!
John, you take amazing photos! Have you considered a coffee table book?
We're working on it. I love sending the photos to the women who bred these wonderful dogs.
I would love to say that my dogs help with rituals, but its usually my cats walking the circle. My dogs are just there to chase the faeries and watch the spirits. I usually make some form of holiday munchies for the humans and a smaller pet safe dish for the animals. This year I think I will make crystal collars for my friends who have dogs. Braid some healing crystals or what ever the dogs needs are and braid or sow them into a collar. This sounds like a good idea... I think I'll do that.


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