Anyone ever heard of a mini corgi?

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He told me he is breeding pure Corgis that are just unusually small to produce a smaller healthier dog. I then asked why? When this is not to the breed standard. His response was:

There is nothing wrong with the quality of our animals. We look for the same qualities as the larger breeders only smaller. This helps to eliminate the skeletal problems that full size Corgi's experience. I believe we are improving the breed. If people didn't breed smaller animals there would not be miniature Poodles, Pincher's, Pugs ect.
LOL...thats what I was questioning. He states he is bettering the breed but what proof does he have if he isn't testing? I guess what is bothering me more then anything is to the average person he makes it sound good but in reality he is misleading them and misrepresenting the breed I love. I just see alot of uneducated talk from him at this point.
Don't get me started on designer breeds. That will open a whole new can of worms.
I didn't realize I was opening pandora box by asking this question. I have learned so much from this. Believe me before I get another one I'll consult all of you!
You're opening Pandora's Box. Don't do it, she'll give you kisses to death!

See my profile then you'll understand.
Carmen, I would take kisses from her! Is the next one sheherazade(was my ex's sisters name never could spell it)
No, I like Godiva. Though Sheherazade would be interesting. :)
I like godiva better too. how bout helena? got delila.
I do like Helena. We could call her Lena. It will be a while before we get another girl. We are looking at another boy next year.
How about Epimetheus? He was married to Pandora or aladin?
Wow, you are really testing my mythology knowledge. I honestly do not know.

I'm thinking maybe Achilles or Ares. If we go that route. Of course, John (MDH) has a say in it too. He really isn't into mythology like I am.
I don't know. I haven't been to that site for awhile. I check tomorrow and let you know. Or you can ask WWC


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