Anyone ever heard of a mini corgi?

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Lets hope evveeryone learns something. This is one of the best sites of it's kind I've been on.
I think alot of us have smaller than "normal" corgis.
I think I am going to have a small corgi too, he just doesn't look anything like my big bruiser Max who was b. in 1997. I really think I have a cojack.
I am mystified. While I am no expert I have learned a little about the "breed" business truely by acident. When my husband and I decided that we wanted a cardi the first place i went was to the internet and looked up breeders on the Cardi. Welsh Club Orginzation of America and downloaded the breeder list for florida. As luck had it there was a breeder just 1.5 hour east of here. It just so happened that they were both deeply involved in showing their dogs and Leah is an accreadited group judge. When us "lay" people have the opportunity to listen to and learn from people who know the nuances of a breed we should all do it. You will quickly learn the value of dealing with reputable breeders that put great stock in breeding lines and breed standards. Your dog does not have to be a show quality or a champion to have a great companion and friend for a long time but it is important that you understand that when you acquire a dog you are acquiring the gentic make up of many generations and if breeders are not reputable or knowledgeable you are just getting what you get which could be a series of health and behavior problems that just can't be "fixed"

Sometime when I see a corgi Pem or Cardi even to my untrained eye I am thinking "What the........" In todays day of puppy mill publicity we must learn to look at things with a somewhat jaundiced eye.

We do not all make to decision to have purbreed dogs I myself have had more Heinz 57 than purbreed and have found that those Heinz 57 loved me and I loved them just as much as i do my two corgis. But nothing makes me madder than unethical people that are just attempting to rip people off by misrepresenting facts.
Michelle, We just have to realize that there are people out there looking to make a quick buck at adogs expense. Lets just hope that people who are looking for a paticular breed do they're homework.
Ugh...I hate the people who try to con folks with the whole "mini" thing! A "mini" is just a tiny version of the same breed: no more, no less. I don't see how anyone can claim that making them smaller makes them less inclined to have health problems!!

By the way, google "mini Labrador Retrievers"! You'll find 'em! Thankfully, I couldn't find "mini Great Danes"! LOL

By the way - I think my Andy would qualify as "mini" by that guy's standards. She is a tiny girl - all her brothers were 7-10 pounds bigger than her.
Yuour kidding!? Mini Labs?
Why are you all discouraging buying a "mini" corgi, when they have the same health risks as a regular size corgi? Its still a corgi in the end.
What if people prefer smaller corgis? You dont know the intentions of the breeder unless you have talked to them.
Shane, He told me they don't have the health problems corgis do. c'mon. There are people here selling registared Tembroke puppies. I called thinking it was a typo, it wasn't. You tell me what a Tembroke Welsh Corgi is.I even asked them to spell it.
There is no such thing as a mini corgi..your right. Just smaller end. Mini corgis are still made the same way, just with two small parents. So I say again, mini corgis are corgis. They are made from corgis and look like corgis.

The reasoning behind someone breeding a "mini/small" corgi is because people prefer them over the regular/large corgis, like me. Ever thought about that? Everyone has different opinions. If I bred "mini" corgis, I would be doing it because of personal preference, not for the money. That is just me though.

Why does a breed need to be to standard? A dog is a dog. Are mutts standard?

I agree, the no health problems is ridiculous as well.

"Mini" seems to just be slang for a small corgi, if you havent already noticed.
It does appeal to people.. Nothing wrong with that.

Who said its being done irresponsibly and not for the right reasons? You should really stop jumping to conclusions and get the facts. Lets see the breeders take on all this and his reasons.

I say again, ever thought he is breeding "mini" corgis because he enjoys them more than the larger ones?


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