Hey everyone,

Thanks so much for all your help first of all. The first thing i thought of was go to mycorgi and ask questions!
Anyway, I got drag boy to the vet around 8:30 this morning after a sleepless night of bloody paper towels and tears. I tried hard to keep it in, because i know he can sense my feelings. His nose never completely stopped bleeding, he bled all over his dog bed and floor. I was worried about blood loss, but since the blood was so fresh and bright red i knew it was okay. So much for the emergency vet giving him pills to clot the blood and make it stop.

But we got to my regular vet, and they got me right in. I dont know if this is because he was bleeding everywhere or it was just early. lol.

The nurse felt really bad for him.. but while i was trying to get his exam another nurse came in and told the doc that a puppy might be dying.. so she had to leave for a spell.

So im sitting there with wads of paper towel.. and hes cold so i had a blankie around him. Then he sneezed all over my jacket..

I dont care about any of the blood, it can be cleaned up. I know he needed to do piddle but he was still groggy from the anesthetic, but he piddled on me and the blanket on the way out of the vet. I told him " Baby if you need to go just let it fly. Mama will clean it up later."

My vet did more blood work, gave him a shot to stop bleeding, and gave him some vitamin K for his body.
She did say that somehow he got bit by that tick carrying that bacteria.

I dont know how.. he's hardly every outside.. but we do live in the country and he goes to the shop with me.

But i think hes on the road to recovery.. its going to take a while. Hes wrapped up and asleep right now, and im about to go join him.

It was scary because the nurse said his gums were pale.. and she said " His temp is low" and i said " Oh thats good." and she said No, its below normal.. not good."

i said Oh lovely..

but the vet said his overall color was okay and that he just needs relaxation.. and she gave me calm pills, an antibiotic and another kind that helps get rid of the virus.

Thanks again everyone.. and ill be on later with more info.

Goodnight :D

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Comment by Marion and Vern on January 3, 2009 at 10:25am
Hope the medications are doing the job. How is everything going since you both got some rest? Your both in my prayers.
Comment by Sam Tsang on January 2, 2009 at 6:48pm
Hey Draster! Glad you're feeling better! Keep us updated!
Comment by ChestersMom on January 2, 2009 at 6:36pm
Keeping you and Dragster in my prayers. I know how helpless you feel! When Chester was suffering with the first stages of diabetes I couldn't help him feel better! he was crying the whole weekend, we probably got 3 hours of sleep from Friday to Tuesday that weekend.

God Bless All Corgis!
Comment by Kathy and Jillie on January 2, 2009 at 6:08pm
Dear Dragster we are soooo glad you are feeling better and resting comfortably. That whole thing is a scary experience for you! We send our love and puppy kisses to you for a full recovery.
Love Jillie
Comment by Lauren + Winston on January 2, 2009 at 5:29pm
i agree with geri. definitely make sure someone knows about that idiot >:o and i'm glad to hear dragster is feeling better!
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on January 2, 2009 at 4:34pm
I'm sorry I haven't kept up with this post but I'm curious as to what was causing the bleeding and what they are treating him for? Did this have something to do w/vWD? At any rate..I am glad he resting peacefully and seems to be on the mend. Good luck and best wishes.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on January 2, 2009 at 2:23pm
Love and prayers for you and Dragster coming from San Diego. Your post made me cry, but I'm so glad to hear he is on the mend.

ANd I hope you report that ER vet. His cluelessness could end up killing somebody's dog.
Comment by Carlie on January 2, 2009 at 12:19pm
I'm so happy that he's doing better, what a scary experience for you!! We send all our warmest wishes and hope that Dragster is on his way to being happy and healthy again. Keep us updated for sure.
Comment by Kristen on January 2, 2009 at 11:39am
What a frightening evening for you and Dragster! I hope the road to recovery is a quick one. Keeping you in my prayers.
Comment by Nicola Porter on January 2, 2009 at 11:15am
Lots of love sent to Dragster from Florida.

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