Dragster and Bailee's Blog (22)

Corgi meme


Not sure if Corgi just brought in a baby carrot or an earplug.

Added by Dragster and Bailee on June 19, 2012 at 11:30pm — 3 Comments

Corgis in the new movie 2012!

I just wanted to share this with everyone because its depicted so well in the new movie 2012 which is in theaters. Of course 2012 is about the theory that the world will end on December 21,2012. Well they go to save the presidents of each country and fly them to a safe army base. Well the movie is already very good plus i love John Cusack's acting. It was icing on the cake when they showed a shot of the Queen getting off a plane and she had her corgis with her! I went crazy when i saw this… Continue

Added by Dragster and Bailee on November 14, 2009 at 2:35am — 3 Comments

Dragsters other pics i took for the calender

Okay im showing these off! i love them. Tell me what you think! Oh check out the others in my picture page also, i didnt want to clutter this up too… Continue

Added by Dragster and Bailee on October 19, 2009 at 9:30pm — 16 Comments

Im kind of sad Dragster didnt make this years cut.

We worked hard on this! and i thought it was a better angle than some. I mean the dogs are cute on all of them but some of the pictures themselves are funky. What do you think? Its okay! We will get it next year!

Added by Dragster and Bailee on October 18, 2009 at 11:30pm — 22 Comments

I'm scared someone is stealing corgis!

Where i live in West Texas Corgi's are not very common. I worry everytime someone seems too intrested in Dragster.. I'm an over protective mommy lol. Anyway at our local wal-mart there is a sign saying " Please return a little girls best friend" and it has a baby corgi. This makes me very sad. I already freak out when i leave him in the car just to run in the post office!!!

Added by Dragster and Bailee on September 14, 2009 at 12:13pm — 4 Comments

rare Corgi hybrid

This is what happens with my life isint consumed with college. :)

I think this is how Dragster see's himself sometimes.. At least when he's around his momma.

Added by Dragster and Bailee on August 29, 2009 at 4:48am — 5 Comments

Man i need to get on more!

I just got on and realized that so much stuff has been going on! I was excited to see that we are talking about the calender already! that means i need to find a cute pic of Dragster to submit again. : )

How is everyone?

Added by Dragster and Bailee on August 11, 2009 at 6:00pm — 3 Comments

Dragster is now two-years old!

Dragster had a party last friday for his birthday!! He loved it sooo much. We went to our local dog park and he played with his dog friends and made new friends. I made pupcakes which i got from Rachel Ray. They turned out great and all the dogs loved them. I made them with yogurt instead of sugar because i know sugar can be bad for dogs and plus drag has such stomach problems i figured it would help keep it settled. I posted videos of some of the party! my baby is growing up!!

Added by Dragster and Bailee on May 13, 2009 at 4:10pm — 1 Comment

What is frapping?


Added by Dragster and Bailee on April 17, 2009 at 5:48pm — 9 Comments

I guess Dragster likes to scare his momma..

Well i was out of town at a journalism competition this Easter weekend.

I called my mom between competitions to ask her how everything was. She told me she had to take Drag to the vet. I was about to freak out. She told me everything was fine. I had just switched vets about 3 days before i left town because if something did happen i didn't want to have to take him to that emergency vet again. Well thankfully Drag got sick during the day.. my new vet was out of town so we had to use my old… Continue

Added by Dragster and Bailee on April 14, 2009 at 10:23pm — 5 Comments

Dragster would make a good Ein for the Cowboy Bebop movie..

I want to sign him up!! It would be so easy for them to put a little white stripe on his nose. He has all the other markings!! I'm sure they have had a corgi raised and trained all his life just for this role though. But drag is so smart i bet he could do it!

Added by Dragster and Bailee on March 10, 2009 at 5:29pm — 6 Comments




it would mean alot :D

Hes the corgi in the blue bandana. The cute one.

Thank you!!!

Added by Dragster and Bailee on February 23, 2009 at 4:11pm — No Comments

You guys were wondering about ingredients in chocolates..

According to the HomeAgain lady:

the first thing she asked me to look for in the ingredients with an x, like Xylitol. There is another x word also but i dont remember.

She said that when dogs consume too much chocolate it goes to their pancreas and irritates it, causing alot of extra insulin to be produced and causes their hear to race too fast.

Dogs can get pancreatitis from overdosing on chocolate.

The best thing to do when your dog eats chocolate is to… Continue

Added by Dragster and Bailee on February 12, 2009 at 10:29pm — 2 Comments


OMG! if its not one thing it's another!! lol.

Everyone knows Dragster just got over the deer tick disease.

Well last night i went into my room and discovered that he had gotten into 2 boxes of V-day chocolates.

One was a medium size suger-free kind containing 12 peices.

the other was a small one containing 4 peices.

Of course i started freaking out because i know dogs cant have chocolate.

I called HomeAgain- which i have on speed dial… Continue

Added by Dragster and Bailee on February 11, 2009 at 5:28pm — 6 Comments

Dragster might get a friend!! or potential girlfriend?

My friend works at a local vet clinic. She was telling me about a girl who has a lot of dogs and some horses. She said he has a corgi that she brings to work sometimes, and its not groomed very well. She said the girl likes to buy expensive dogs. I don't know why.. but anyway she said she was selling a horse she had. I mentioned to my friend about selling the corgi..

Well the girl said she would give me the corgi. Unfourtantly it wont be until the middle/late summer. She is moving then and… Continue

Added by Dragster and Bailee on January 17, 2009 at 12:55am — 3 Comments

Questions about medication

Howdy all! I'm so glad drag is back to his old self again, after a long recovery for both of us.

Thanks for all your help and concerns. I love you guys!

Anyway i have a question about drags eating habits. He's eating double of what he usually eats. Do you think its from the medicine? He eats alot in the morning, which he used to never do. He usually always ate at 9pm and thats the only time he would eat, eventhough i left food out for him 24/7.

He is on… Continue

Added by Dragster and Bailee on January 12, 2009 at 11:14pm — 7 Comments

Dragster update 2

Hey everyone, sorry i havnt been on in a while.

Drag baby is doing a whole lot better. Hes still not 100%, but he's doing well.

No more bleeding, and i havnt had to give him calm pills that the vet gave me.

The cute thing was the other night. Drag lays at the end of my bed and keeps my feet warm.

I had made him a bed next to me during all this on his little red bed he got for Christmas.

I washed everything and made him a new little comfy… Continue

Added by Dragster and Bailee on January 6, 2009 at 12:30am — 5 Comments

Update on Dragster

Hey everyone,

Thanks so much for all your help first of all. The first thing i thought of was go to mycorgi and ask questions!

Anyway, I got drag boy to the vet around 8:30 this morning after a sleepless night of bloody paper towels and tears. I tried hard to keep it in, because i know he can sense my feelings. His nose never completely stopped bleeding, he bled all over his dog bed and floor. I was worried about blood loss, but since the blood was so fresh and bright red i knew… Continue

Added by Dragster and Bailee on January 2, 2009 at 10:56am — 13 Comments

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dragster was bleeding profusely from the nose tonight. So i called the home again emergency line, and they told me to take him to the vet.

The only thing i could think of is he fell out of the window of my truck on cement 2 days ago.

Well my vet is only an emergency vet, and hes deffinantly rude and money hungry.

Its $110 just to have him walk in the door.

I dont care about that, i just need answers.

The stupid vet ran a tick fever test, which… Continue

Added by Dragster and Bailee on January 2, 2009 at 12:30am — 11 Comments


I was really excited to see that Dragster made the cut for the 2009 calender finalist! now he just needs your vote to be selected among the other cute corgi's of the year! hes the one laying on his back in the pumpkins. :D im so excited!!! i think my foot will be taken out. lol

Added by Dragster and Bailee on November 28, 2008 at 12:16pm — 1 Comment

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