A death has occurred
and everything is changed by this event.
We are paingully aware that life
can never be the same again
that yesterday is over
that relationships once rich have ended.
But there is another way to look
upon this truth
If life went on the same
without the presence of the one
who has died,
we could only conclude that the life
we remember here
made no contribution,
filled no space,
meant nothing.
The fact that this individual
left behind a place
that cannot be filled
is a high tribute to this individual.
Life can be the same after a trinket has been lost,
but never after the loss of a treasure.

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I'm so sorry for your lost Marion :( Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
I am also sorry for your loss. You will be in my thoughts.
Thank you so much. it does mean a lot that people care.
Marion and Vern..my best to you. Your comment in your tribute about a place that cannot be filled is so true. I'll be thinking about you. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.--Kristen
Again..I am so sorry for the loss of Tedi Bear. Your in my thoughts and prayers and hope brighter days lay ahead.
What a terrible loss. I'll have you in my thoughts.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. I know that my Zorro is there to greet all the new Rainbow Bridge members. Zorro was taken from us too soon. He was a happy and innocent little boy. I know in my heart and soul that he is there to greet everyone and make them feel at home.

Please take comfort at this difficult time..........All of your MyCorgi friends are here for you.
I am sorry for your loss. Nothing will ever replace the spot Tedi Bear has in your heart. In their short lives, dogs teach us how to love and have compassion for others without expecting anything in return. They keep us humble and in our places!! I know that I can't imagine a world without dogs, especially corgis!

By now Tedi Bear has made many friends at the bridge and will be waiting there to greet you some day.

"That'll do Tedi, that'll do" Arroooooooo
I'm very sorry for your loss. You'll be in my thoughts.
Sending my deepest condolences for you. No doubt Tedi Bear what a much adored companion. We are so lucky to have pets that we love so deeply. Our lives are always better in sharing them with our loving pets. Know that a new star shines in the heavens tonight in honor of Tedi Bear. He will always hold a piece of your heart. Soon the memories will bring you nothing but warm smiles.
To everyone that has responded we want to thank you all. It has meant so much. There are times when my heart is so heavy and sad I don't think I can take it, then someone sends an email and they do help. Though it has only been a few days and putting away his bed, toy, towel, toy, inside water bowl, toy, food dish, toy okay he was spoiled rotten with toys. The hardest thing was giving away his dog food other bed and some toys that he did not care for, and the last batch of peanut butter cookies I made him. Guess tonight is one of those "I really miss him times." Again thanks everyone. Goodnight.


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