My Cardigan Cogri is nearly 9 months old and is already 20 kilos.He is fed twice a day , early morning and again at tea time. In total he has 200g of dried food and is walked two sometimes three times a day, so can anyone help with some tips on weight loss PLEASE!!!

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It's still good for your dog to be on a puppy food at this point, but when he is old enough maintain him on a light diet. Follow the feeding instructions on the dog food label for his ideal weight and not the weight he is currently. Pets tend to gain more weight after they are neutered, too. Does your food label have a kcalorie/cup or gram on the side of it?
We put our Corgi's on lite dog food at a year. Lots of excerise helps too. Corgis can get very chunky, they love their food.
My corgis are also on weight control dry dog food because they tend to gain weight, also my sheltie is prone to gaining. I did change their food at about 9 months because of this.
Um, I've heard about the green bean diet. I know one lady, who shows some kind of spaniels, putting her dogs on green beans. She said it makes them feel full cause of their protein content but they don't gain weight due to the lack of calories and carbs. What are you feeding him anyway?

For our Weim, we just cut back on food by a 1/4 and increase his exercise.


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