I am bringing my new little boy home next week on the 7th and he will be 8 weeks when I do. I know that some vets swear the earlier the better *it would not be until 3 months at the earliest* however that is SAID because it is easier for them to do the surgery. But I have also heard that neutering that early can actually cause the dog harm because they are not fully developed. Any suggestions?

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Early is better and has no ill effects on the dog. Most vets who like to wait later are usually not confident in doing it. I do have an article on this on my weblog if you would like to read it. http://www.wendtworthcorgis.com and go to the newsblog button and look under the health and treatment category.
We just got our little Bandit 2 weeks ago. When we took him to the vet for his initial check up, the vet suggested that neutering him between 4 - 6 months. Boomer, our first corgi, had a different vet and was also spayed at 4 months. So i am guessing 4 months is good?
Colby is getting neutered 2 days after his 6-month birthday. We want to get it done before his "teenage" period.
T8er was neutered around his first birthday. He has no problems and healed up fast. Well one problem......trying to find a big enough cone to keep his muzzle in.
6 months is the recommended age by most all vets. Sooner can create issues if the testicles are not descended in males, later could be bad for females as they usually come into heat at around 6 months. Most vets will tell you to go ahead at the 6 month mark.
My vet said 4-6 months, but the folks at sacramento spca say it's an easier procedure when the testicles have descended (she described it as clearing being able to see the outline of each testicle), and for my guy, this only happened a month or two ago (at the 1yr mark).


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