Baby Koby came home today! He did really well! We went about 7am and traveled to Lecanto fl to pick up the pups. My parents got Koby's brother Dyllan and we picked them up out of the pen and there other brothers and sisters looked so sad! I felt so bad. We put them in the backseat of the car for the long 3 hour drive! They made it with a couple of potty breaks and a snack. They were so cute sleeping on each other and then giving us tons of kisses! Koby as soon as I picked him up smothered me with love and kisses! I am soooo happy! I thank god for this puppy! Looking at little puppies make you realize how precious life really is!
Well once home I was sooo worried about my cats and the puppy....not too bad! Kira hissed a little but then relaxed when she saw me holding him. Sadie went right up to him and gave him a kiss! He barked and that scared her but I can't believe how great it went! Then I put Koby in his puppy play pen and Sadie jumped in there with him to greet him. She is such a friendly cat!
My parents are having it tough though. Dyllan and their shepherd puppy Korie are fighting over who is going to be the dominant pup and neither is backing down. Dyllan actually bit Korie on the nose! So for now they are being separated until later. Well I have to go cook dinner and spend time with the little bugger! I am so excited! Everyone keep us in your prayers! Thanks!
I will have to post more photos as soon as I have some time!

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Comment by Sam Tsang on February 7, 2009 at 9:14pm
Excellent! Thanks for the update!
Comment by Melvin Brock on February 7, 2009 at 6:22pm
Very happy for you. yes they are soooo sweet. You parents are in for a rough time as you may know. I have run into this several times over the years. hopefully it will workout for the good. Give that Koby lots of loving, they always need it.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on February 7, 2009 at 6:20pm
Woo hoo! Can't wait for more pics. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see you so happy.

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