There's so much dog hair! I vacuum regularly and I used to be able to use an attachment to clean my couches, but it's broken, and I've been looking for maybe a little handheld vacuum to use instead, but I don't want to spend a ton of money -- I might as well just buy a different vacuum if I'm going to do that. So any ideas on a decent one I can buy to get rid of all this hair?

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I broke down and splurged on a "pet hair" level Roomba. Set the timer to do my family room, living room, dining room and kitchen over night while snoozing. I have two Corgis and had such terrible furball tumbleweeds, I sometimes mistook them for my dogs! The Roomba doesn't have a huge capacity -- but once I got in front of the hair, so to speak, I run it (or it runs itself) nightly, and clean it in the AM. I work from home, so I plunk it other rooms (bed, bath) during the day, so it can work while I work. It really has been a life saver. I hate vacuuming, and I can live with some hair here and there -- but the tumbleweeds were too much, and I wasn't about to start sweeping/vacuuming every day myself! The only downsides are its limited capacity and that you do have to "prep" the room a bit (I got cords out of the way, and move furniture a tad).
I had really wanted the Dyson but just could not bring myself to spend that much. I ended up with the Bissel Pet Hiar Eraser. It has an attachment that you flip down and then turn the dial over to "pet hair" and it gathers it all up. It works pretty well on that very fine fur my cats leave behind.

PS John I love your post! You never fail to make me laugh.
With so much corgi hair, I brush the rug first with a short bristled brush (a lot of sponge mops come with this). Otherwise, all the dog hair usually ends up destroying my vacuum.


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