Does anyone use Avid system? I paid $20 for the microchip (back in October of 08), and rereading the Avid pamphlet, I see something about "PETtrac", a global recovery network, and paying a 1 time fee of $18.50 to register with "PETtrac". Is my Ein already registered with the Avid system, (since he has the microchip IN him) or do I have to register with PETtrac as well?

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Make sure your cell phone # is on the collar somewhere, too. We returned two dogs quickly that way once, in a really remote area.
One of our cats has Avid. We paid for PetTrac (it was $15 back then) for lifetime coverage. I would get it if I were you.

Our other can and dogs have HomeAgain. We pay the yearly renewal for Sidney for the extra service, which I think is something like $15 a year. For the others we just paid the one-time enrollment fee.
Toki has Avid too, my friend that works at a vet told me you gotta register with that pet trac thing too. I think that's kinda dumb, you have a chip but it's just a number and you have to register so you will be connected with the number. At least, that's my understanding of it, I might be wrong, but I registered just in case.
We use HomeAgain, but the same story as Geri & Sidney. The Vet put the chip in, but then I had to pay a fee online to activate the number. That fee was a one-time charge. Then, for $19.95/year, I signed them both up for the full service, uploaded pictures, etc., etc., etc. My brother's family found the most adorable year old long haired mini Dachsie on their front stoop one day. When they took him to the vet and had him scanned -- there was a chip, but it had never been "activated," so no one to contact! Needless to say after contacting the local shelters, etc., they are now the proud owners of this little guy -- no one reported him missing, no one followed up on their ads, etc. Sad, but true!
What Avid does is once your dog is chipped and it is scanned the number is then traced back to your vet who has your contact info and then will direct your dog back to you. If you WANT the dog to be traced directly to you then thats what the extra fee is for.
I use Avid..your initial payment was for the chip itself and the have an additional charge for the tracking network. Its still better then have the initial charges and then yearly tracking charges plus w/Avid if you have more then one dog done you can get a discount for up to 5 dogs I believe. Register w/pet trac.


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