well i have a interesting story for both my corgi's. first

"WREN" it was February 29th 2004 (leap year) and i was supposed to pick Wren up from the breeder that day, and come that morning i still have not had a named picked out for her. it was going to be Zoey but just couldn't commit to that name. so my family has been constant readers of the comic "Baby Blues" and about the time i was getting Wren the couple in the comic were expecting a baby. they revealed the name in the sunday edition, right before i was to get the puppy. i read the comic and saw the name and a light went on. "Wren, thats it" my family agreed it would be a perfect name, and it was!!!

and now...

"OZZEE" again like Wren i couldn't decide on a name for him. for the longest time it was going to "Harvey", my father is a HUGE batman fan. we had gotten Oz about 3mos before the latest batman movie was due in theaters, so it was perfect. But my dad wanted to change it to OZZEE, before we brought Oz home, my dad had become friends with a guy at a local grocery store, and he thought he was the coolest person. (he was a janitor, not a big deal or anything) but my dad came home one day and said "we should name the new pup "Ozzee" i said okay, but im changing the spelling because i wanted some what of a unquie name for my dog.

and well for my kitty "MR. BUSY" well hes a cat that never sleeps. he's ALWAYS busy doing/chasing something.

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Ha ha, so you're as much a nerd as we are. :) I suggested Jubilee for when we one day get a sister for Finnigan since Jubilee and Gambit are my favorite Xmen.
Oh yeah definitely a nerd! I'm excited about the Wolverine movie (I love him...so sexy...sigh... and Gambit is going to be in it, so it's a double bonus!)

I tried making it work--the name Jubilee but just couldn't get it to work. I guess I could use it as her middle name...it flows pretty good, or I could wait for another dog. My cat Zainal got his name cause of an Anne McCaffrey book. 7 got her name from Star Trek's 7 of 9 character. Morningstar got her name cause I looked at her and asked her and that was the first name that came to mind (I was reading Sandman graphic novel that had a character Lucifer Morningstar....yeah.)

It never occurred to me to name her Ein--though I did go through the rollerdeck of anime names.
I know, I'm so excited for Wolverine too!! I can't wait to see Gambit in it, I just hope the guy they cast for the part does a good job.

I wanted to name a pet Remy (after Gambit) but I made the mistake of telling my brother and when he got a cat he stole the name. :)

I love Sandman and all things Neil Gaiman. My husband is probably the biggest comic book nerd on earth (though he doesn't look it) and the whole reason we had to move in to a two bedroom apartment was to have a place to store all the comics. He would say I'm just as much of a nerd because I played Magic way back in the day, but we both know there's no comparison. :)Have you read the Aria comics? I thought that would be a good Corgi name too. I was never a huge fan of anime but I am familiar with Ein. I've known too many guys named Ein so the name has lost all appeal for me. :)
No, I never read the Aria comics. I'll have to check them out--if I can find them.

I hope Gambit does a good job....

I probably would've leaned towards Trigun if I were going to name a dog in the anime genre. Otherwise, I'd go to my books and find something I like from there. I have so many scifi books and I just started Twilight. Heh, I'd probably name the dog from Frank Herbert's Dune series. I loved that series so much that I got a famous quote tattooed in white on my wrist!
Aria is an older comic so you it may be a little more dificult to find. I don't know if they ever put it out as a graphic novel or not.

You'll have to let me know how Twilight is. I've been hesitant to read it but I do love a good vampire story. :)

Did you watch the Battlestar Galactica series? My husband and I named our cars Starbuck and Apollo. :) I love Starbuck!
Oh that's awesome! I've seen a season here and there of Battlestar Galactica. I need to catch up on it again. I'd like to find Aria, maybe I can find it online somewhere.

Twilight is an easy read. I'm going through it pretty fast and if I didn't read it when I was only at jobs, I'd probably be done by now. Compared to my normal stuff that I read, it is very simple--which I'm not sure how you would feel about that.

But the 11 year old inner child of mine loves it and despite seeing the movie, I still enjoy reading it.
Haha, it's so funny how corgis and nerds go together like peanut butter and jelly (for the lack of a better comparison...) I used to play Magic too! My husband used to play and I even joined in on some tournaments with him back before we were married.

I love anime.. I'm not obsessed but I do love sitting back and watching my favorite ones, like Trigun or Cowboy Bebop, all the way through (of course it takes me like a week).

I really enjoy playing video games with my husband too. We're currently playing Chrono Trigger and we recently beat Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

I don't want my dog to have an anime or video game name unless I can find something obscure enough that no one would recognize it or name their own puppy the same thing.
Yes, I am almost immediately turned off to a pet name if I have ever heard of anyone else naming their pet that.

I was really excited about the name Pooka, and devastated when I remembered the Anastasia movie, but by then it was too late, I was set!

But its ok, its still obscure, people often don't even understand the name when I tell them what it is and end up calling her "Kooka" or "Hooka" ;) Most people think its like the Puka Shell, and I just say "yes, yes it is"
I had a ball python named Jubilee ^_^

my husband and I are video game/anime nerds. Its something that brought us together cuz his previous girlfriend hated anime =P

We also played WoW and I want to play it again next summer. He gets tired of MMORPGs but we've played City of Heroes and Age of Conan as well.

never did Magic, but recently bought some Warhammer guys to paint.
My husband and I love video games too. We haven't played much on the computer such as WOW or Conan but we have most of the gaming units and are currently playing Resident Evil 5. The 4th one was awesome and 5 is just as good if not better because it two player!

Outside of games, we both enjoy books and comics (he is the true comic expert) and once in a blue moon we'll run a role playing game but it's completely made up as apposed to a prefabricated one such as Vampire Masquerade.

For anyone who hasn't watched Battlestar Galactica (the new series, not the original show) you HAVE to see it. The show just ended last month so the final season won't be out on DVD for a while but the previous seasons are all available. The show just ended and I'm already wanting to watch it again. :)

I've seen a few anime movies that I liked but in general, I'm just not a huge fan. I don't know why, I certainly don't have a reason, I just never got that into it. My friend's black lab is named Jubei after a character in Ninja Scroll. That's one that I did like!

CbyA, I don't mind if a book is somewhat simple as long as it's a really good story. I LOVE Harry Potter and some people are saying Twilight is even better but I somehow doubt that. I think I'll just have to give in and read it one of these days. I haven't watched the movie yet either. Right now I’m reading the Good Fairies of New York by Martin Millar. I’m just a couple chapters in but so far it’s pretty good. If anyone’s looking for a really good book to read, check out Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. It’s very, very good.
Resident Evil is a good series. :) It's so thrilling, hehe.

Eek, Ninja Scroll.. One time my brother bought it and we watched it at our friend's college apartment and we all agreed that we didn't want to watch anymore after the first 30 mins.. you know with that snake lady and all.. And the.. ugh.. I can't even say it here. But I heard it does get better later.. I wish I could see it without all the icky stuff if you know what I mean.

I have a feeling that you not being into anime is just like me not being into stuff like Battlestar Galactica (although I did like Firefly..). We just never got into them enough. Have you seen Hayao Miyazaki movies like Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke?

Anyway, this is getting way off topic.. I wanted to give my future corgi a Welsh name but they are really hard to pronounce.. I think now I'm kind of choosing between Lew/Lewy, Orin, Arthur, Mullin, and Porgie, my husband's pick..

Oh, and by the way GoGoRainbow. I had no idea your Pooka was named after something from a video game. It's so cute! I don't really even remember the movie Anastasia or the dog named Pooka in it and I doubt anyone would think you named her after that one.
I know what you mean about Ninja Scroll and I can't blame you, it is a bit much.

Yes, I have Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle on DVD. Those I loved so much I had to buy them. I actually thought about naming Finnigan Haku after the character in Spirited Away that turns into a water dragon because Finn reminds me of a water dragon. :)

I like the name Orin and Porgie is cute but it's a more goofy name so you'd have to decide if that's what you want.


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